(no subject)

Oct 10, 2005 22:23

Title: Taste
Character: Ron, Hermione, Luna
Ratings: G
Length: 213
Summary: Luna ponders Ron and Hermione.

Written for Xylodemon's The I Didn't Get To Go To TWS Ficathon , for jazzyjello of the nifty username, who wanted Ron/Luna with watermelon.

Luna knew that if she kissed Ronald, he would taste like pumpkin juice. Every morning he’d drink the juice, licking it off his lips like a cat. Luna would watch only that moment, but she watched it every morning. The rest of the time, she watched Hermione.

Hermione, Luna knew, would taste like dusty old library tomes, like dirt and things that didn’t taste good. Hermione was obsessed with books, and believed constantly that the answer was always in books, and always in the right books. Hermione, Luna knew, spent too much time thinking about what was right, what was proper, and not enough time experiencing everything that life had to offer.

Which was why Hermione never could see the things that Luna saw. Hermione never saw the nargles that hid in various places around the school. She never saw the pixies that played in Luna’s hair. She never saw the way that Ronald looked at her, as though she, not the books, was the answer to every question.

Luna wondered if she’d taste like pumpkin juice, or if she’d taste like fairy dust and rainbows. Sometimes, she’d eat something tasty, like watermelon, or strawberries, and talk to Ronald in the hopes that one day, he’d want to taste her to find out.
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