Ancestress: Chapter Twenty-three: Origin of the Species

Jul 09, 2010 10:36

Gandalf finally answers a question...

Chapter Twenty-three: Origin of the Species

Gandalf leaned back, silently studying Frodo. Once the wizard’s scrutiny would have discomfited him, but no longer. Frodo returned the gaze with his own.

“Tell me, Frodo, what do most hobbits believe about their own origins?”

Frodo blinked. He started to answer, then stopped. He was silent a moment, then in a small voice said, “I do not think most of them ever give it a second thought.”

“Do you know what any hobbits believe on the matter?”

Frodo was silent again, then said “I’ve only heard one serious discussion about it. Uncle Bilbo and Uncle Dinodas, one night in Uncle Dinny’s study at Brandy Hall. Lingering over snifters of brandy they had quite forgot that I was there. Uncle Dinny told Uncle Bilbo the story of the world being created by music was a ‘pretty Elven fancy’, while Uncle Bilbo asserted its truth. Then Uncle Dinny said, ‘Where are hobbits, then, in that tale?’ and Uncle Bilbo had to admit there were none. Uncle Dinny seemed to think that hobbits must have somehow descended from the other three: Men, Elves and Dwarves. Uncle Bilbo disagreed, but could not come up with a better idea. I think I fell asleep before they finished talking.” Frodo stopped and chuckled. “And then there was the time Uncle Bilbo tried to convince a visiting Dwarf we descended from rabbits. He was joking, of course, but he made it sound quite possible.”

Gandalf laughed. “That sounds like Bilbo!”

“But what is the truth, Gandalf?”

“The truth? Why, hobbits are among the Secondborn, of course, for they are mortal as are Men. You are close kin to Men. Your fate like theirs, lies beyond the circles of Arda. Your music was part of theirs, for I remember your theme: sprightly and lively and altogether delightful.”

frodo, bilbo

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