Stolen from various and sundry people

Mar 30, 2005 10:26

meme-ity meme! I got a better patronus with my real name than my screen name.

My Your patronus is: is Arctic Fox.
Take Reveal Your Ridden Harry-Pottery Patronus today!
Created with Rum and Monkey's Name Generator Generator.

Man, I can't wait for book 6 to come out.

I don't think I want to fight God. What's a monofilament whip?

yeah, I know I answered some of these before, but I like this one better

+ Known as: Alicia, Al, Lici, Auntie Lici, Ysabel, Ysabella, Tony's sister, Maria's sister, Sockmonkey, Hey You
+ Lives in: Phoenix, AZ
+ Birthday: August 26
+ School: graduated from the University of Michigan (and damn proud of it)
+ Religion: Christian, of the Jesus Freak variety
+ Shoe size: 8
+ Hair color: auburn except for my brown roots showing through
+ Eye color: amber brown
+ Style: it changes on a daily basis - I'd say chameleon, but I don't change to fit my surroundings, I change to fit my mood

* section 2 - have you ever... *

+ Cheated on someone?: Never. I think it's one of the most heinous things you can do to a person.
+ Been Cheated on?: No, because I've yet to have a romantic relationship
+ Fallen off the bed?: a few times
+ Broken someone’s heart?: Not that I'm aware of
+ Had your heart broken?: Many times
+ Had a dream come true?: They never quite turn out the way I plan
+ Done something you regret?: A few things I've said that have hurt people; a few things I haven't done because I was afraid to do them alone.
+ Cheated on a test?: Yeah. Sixth grade. But it wasn't all my fault. I was out in the hall taking the test, and the teacher was going through it very loudly.

* section 3 - currently *

+ Wearing?: jeans and a "Bewitched" t-shirt
+ Listening to?: competing radio stations in the office - classic rock vs. ez listening
+ Located?: at work, the only place I have real good access to the internet
+ Chatting with?: No one
+ Watching?: My computer screen
+ Should REALLY be doing? Nothing. It's not time to eat lunch or verify yet.

* section 4 - do you... *

+ Brush your teeth?: Twice a day
+ Have any piercings?: 2 in left ear, 1 in right
+ Drive?: 40K+ says yes. I love my car
+ Drink?: Not as often as I'd like.
+ Smoke?: bleh!
+ Got a cell?: Nokia something or other - the text message phone

* section 5 - the last person you... *

+ Hugged?: Ashley, when I dropped her off at home on Sunday.
+ Kissed?: Nick
+ IMed?: Brian (when I was home for Christmas)
+ Talked on the phone with: My sister Andrea
+ Yelled at?: Good question, must have been one of the boys at work.

* section 6 - personal *

+ What do you want to be when you finish college?: I am finished and I still don't know what I want to do. I think I'm going to finally try teaching.
+ What has been the best day of your life?: The day I graduated high school and was released from my prison of a pseudo-life. Either that or the day when my mom slapped Eric - I have never been more proud of her.
+ What comes first in your life?: God
+ Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend/crush?: About 3 or 4 crushes
+ What are you most scared of?: Needles, scorpions, spiders, losing control.
+ What do you usually think about before you go to bed?: God or boys
+ Have you lost someone you really loved?: To death, no. To distance, many.
+ How many times have you fallen in love?: puppy love/crush love - frequently. actual love - I don't know that I have.
+ Love your family?: Absolutely.
+ Love your friends?: I consider them family.
+ Are you a virgin?: And it gets more and more difficult every year to maintain.

* section 7 - favorite *

+ Movie: So many - Casablanca, Playing by Heart, Monty Python's Quest for the Holy Grail, Der Krieger und de Kaiserin (the Princess and the Warrior), the Princess Bride, A Life Less Ordinary, Amelie, Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves and Men in Tights, Spaceballs, Mulan, Moulin Rouge, and Strictly Ballroom
+ Song: "Locked in a Cage" - Skillet It is me.
+ Band: Seventh Day Slumber, Skillet and Seven Places (or see entry of Bands that rock my face off)
+ Store: Meijer!!!!! - because it's open
+ Relative: my nephew
+ Sport: Baseball (what can I say, I'm an all-American girl)
+ Ice Cream Flavor: Stucci's french silk or Hudsonville Strawberry Cheesecake
+ Fruit: I like almost all fruit, but I can usually be found munching on an apple.
+ Candy: Sour Patch kids
+ Day of the Week: Wednesday
+ Time: Sunrise
+ Color: I love all color - it fascinates me. If you really want one, I'll say midnight blue
+ Name for a Girl: Yasmina
+ Name for a Boy: Jarod

* section 8 - do you *

+ Like to give hugs?: Human contact is good
+ Like to give kisses?: Yeah, but I'm too afraid to.
+ Like to walk in the rain?: As long as I have a raincoat, and it's really raining, not just drizzling.
+ Prefer black or blue pens?: I will not discriminate among pens, I like all colors.
+ Like to travel?: The gypsy blood, it's getting restless.
+ Sleep on your side, stomach or back?: Side, but I nap on my back.
+ Have a goldfish?: I don't like fish, they die too easy
+ Ever have the falling dream?: And then I wake up and feel like I'm falling through my bed.
+ Have a stuffed animal?: I still sleep with the Cheer Bear I got when I was 3.

* section 9 - what do you think about... *

+ Abortion: is murder.
+ Suicide: I nearly tried it once. God stopped me. It's the most selfish act a person can do.
+ Smoking: Bleh!
+ Eating disorders: make me sad. I personally could never do it, I like food and hate puking too much.
+ Summer: It's not summer unless I've been to Lake Michigan at least once.
+ Tattoos: Love them! Want more.
+ Piercings: I have enough holes in me, thank you.

* section 10 - this or that *

+ Pierced nose or tongue?: I'd sooner pierce my nose than tongue, but I gotta admit I kinda have a fascination with pierced tongues.
+ Single or taken?: Single.
+ MTV or BET?: Neither of them plays enough music.
+ 7th Heaven or Dawson's Creek?: I'd sooner chuck my TV out the window.
+ Sugar or salt?: Both, at the same time. (chocolate-covered pretzels)
+ Silver or gold?: Golden girl.
+ Chocolate or flowers?: Depends on the time of the month, usually flowers.
+ Color or Black-and-white photos?: I like color, but black-and-white are more dramatic.
+ M&Ms or Skittles?: Skittles - more flavors
+ Stay up late or sleep in?: Don't those usually go hand-in-hand?
+ Hot or cold?: Hot. Nothing worse than perma-chill, and I have high heat tolerances. It's how I survive in the desert.
+ Mustard or ketchup?: Ketchup. Unless we're talking honey mustard.
+ Spring or Fall?: Fall in Michigan.
+ Happy or sad?: Both are valid emotions, it's easier for me to be happy.
+ Wonder or amazement?: I am frequently in a state of both.
+ Mexican or Italian: food or men? Food depends on the restaurant, Men: Italian. Latino machismo pisses me off.
+ Candy or Soda?: Candy
+ Pepsi or Coke?: Wild Cherry Pepsi, Coca-Cola classic - Dr. Pepper tops them all.

end quizzes

quizzie, time clock milking, meme

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