Challenge #23: Tournament Arc - Trope Rumble

Apr 27, 2012 22:19


Welcome to trope_overdosed’s Tournament Arc: Rumble! Interested to see how this will all come about? READ ON!

Part 1: Information
The community will follow a regular rumble format: participants are provided with a new weekly challenge, have 7 days to submit an icon and 24 hours to vote. Points are compiled (and awarded for both submission and voting, as well as icons placing) and the winner is the participant with the most points. Basically:

1. Challenges
- There will be 9 challenges in total.
- One challenge per week: challenge will go up on Friday.
- One icon will be submitted per challenge.
- Challenges will focus on a variety of technical inspired tropes.

2. Voting
- Will be posted on Friday.
- Will last 24 hours.

3. Points
Participation: 1 point for entering an icon.
Voting: 1 point for voting on each challenge.
Place Points: First = 5 points, Second = 4 points, Third = 3 points, Special Category = 2 points, Mods Choice = 1 point.
Promotion: Up to 3 bonus points available through promotion.

4. Questions? Can be asked here!

Part 2: Sign-Up
+ To sign-up, simply reply to this post with your username.
+ You may sign up until Challenge 1 voting begins on May 11.
+ Bonus points will be given for promotion: 1 point per pimp, 3 pimps allowed in total.
+ Once signed up, your name will be added to this spreadsheet.

01. vetica
02. rubyjewel
03. val_valerie
04. fulminant
05. longerthanwedo
06. kasiopeia
07. rocketgirl2
08. nikki_cee
09. endearest
10. nocturnelles
11. marcasite
12. absolutelybatty
13. delamort
14. outoftime
15. sheekap
16. dashberlin
17. fiendie
18. kawaii_chicken
19. papayasalad
20. fan_cifully
21. memonechan
22. sheeplover0104
23. holidaylights
24. naushika
25. fprintmoon
26. jokermary
27. teaquest
28. sayuri_x

Vast Bureaucracy:
>> Disorganized Outline Speech (Introductory Post)
>> Read The Freaking Manual (Rules & Information)
>> Bait & Switch Credits (Glossary)
>> Department of Redundancy Department (Tags)
>> What Do You Mean It's Not Awesome? (Suggestion Box)
>> TV Tropes Will Ruin Your Life (TV Tropes)

ch 23, sign ups

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