Thank you everyone for participating!
>> Comments in
Challenge #22 will be unscreened so that you can borrow icons.
>> Please ask the maker and credit them if you're using their work.
The Dragon02.
Spiking The Camera03.
Sliding Scale Of Shiny Versus Gritty FIRST PLACE
(5 votes)
memonechan SECOND PLACE
(3 votes & 2 first places)
holidaylights THIRD PLACE
(3 votes & 1 first place)
memonechan MOST CREATIVE
(5 votes)
(2 votes)
memonechan memonechan MOD CHOICES
vampire_sessah Vast Bureaucracy:
Disorganized Outline Speech (Introductory Post)
Read The Freaking Manual (Rules & Information)
Bait & Switch Credits (Glossary)
Department of Redundancy Department (Tags)
What Do You Mean It's Not Awesome? (Suggestion Box)
TV Tropes Will Ruin Your Life (TV Tropes)