Fifty years ago, the American troops have landed at Normandy to liberate France from the Nazis. Now, Americans still invade Normandy--the Robert de Niro and Steven Spielberg kind. In this small Normand beach resort town called Deauville, the favorite past time apart from sailing is star spotting. My brother and I were lucky enough to be there during the height of "La Festival du Cinema Americain". And it just so happenned, the latest movie of Cameron Crowe named "Elizabethtown" was being premiered the day that we arrived. Imagine, attending the first ever worldwide screening of this film, with Crowe and Kirsten Dunst on stage, in the flesh, presenting the film to us (in their crude French) before the screening! The fates have indeed conspired to give us a grand time at Deauville. The film did not dissappoint. It was typical of the Crowe franchise, the ditzy yet witty girl-next-door female lead, the angsty male main character, the americana backdrop and of course, A KILLER SOUNDTRACK composed of obscure yet meaningful songs by Tom Petty and Lola Elton John. Too bad the other lead, Orlando Bloom, wasn't there. He was presenting the same film at the Venice Film Festival with Susan Sarandon. I highly recommend it when it reaches the Philippine shores early next year.