News and Pets

Feb 23, 2014 18:50

Well I now have the date for my next surgery, Tuesday, 15 April the day before my birthday and to make matters worse I was given a patch to ward off nausea given me by the Anesthesiologist which has to be put on beforehand and to which I may become somewhat reactive, namely hallucinations among other things. Will make for an interesting morning, LOML may have to drive to the hospital, something she will not be looking favourably upon. All this tom come immediately on the heels of our company's current open sourcing session announcements to the applicants. I've applied for three possible roles, two posted by the same hiring manager with whom I had an interesting interview of some 40 minutes duration. I'm hopeful of hearing something positive but am prepared for whatever comes my way.

Pet updates are that Maggie, our Golden Retriever is well and truly on the mend, she is currently being weaned off the drug used to control her tremors and although not back to her old self yet, she's vastly improved.

Earlier today, after I had packed my clothes, bedding and towels, I discovered Noki had gotten into my bag...
probably seeking an exciting time attending his first Road Trip to Fort McMurray. It's a good thing that I noticed the bad purring, else he may have wound up hanging about waiting for me to get home in the evenings to spend time with him. Living away from home for work means there isn't an opportunity to share space with either cat or dog.

pets, surgery

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