Dec 25, 2005 21:23
Merry Christmas again. Hope Santa was good to y'all.
So of all the things that could happen on Christmas, the one to attract my attention most was the news that Prince Charles plans to change his name before being crowned king, whenever that happens. Apparently, he wants to be George VII, not Charles III (because one of the Charleses was executed, ooh, gasp!). I guess he forgets that Georges I-III were borederline insane, spoke little or no English, and one of them allowed America to successfully revolt, beginning the demise of the once-great British Empire. Now THERE's something to change your name to. That amuses me. A lot. I love British people. (I hope I don't have a ton of British people sending me angry comments now. Or Canadians.)
I think that's enough for tonight. I'm tired, as you should be able to tell. See ya later.