Dec 24, 2005 21:06
Merry Christmas, you crazy kids. (Not that many people read this anymore.)
So ya know what sucks? Working till close (11:00) on Friday and then opening (6:45, yes AM) on Saturday/Christmas Eve/today. I had a good, what, 5 hours of sleep? Good preparation for college, I hear, especially finals week. I wouldn't mind the nasty hours if there were people in my department spending money, but alas that was not so for most of the weekend. Oh well, ya win some you lose some. I had a really great ($100?) night last Friday so I certainly can't complain.
I hope you all have a very joyful and blessed Christmas, and a nice holiday season in general (to me, the "Holidays" extend from after Thanksgiving till maybe Orthodox Christmas on January 7-ish). I hope 2006 starts off well (for me, it can't help but be better than the start of '05 lol). I'm still coping with the fact that this is my last Christmas at home and such. It's not that big of a deal though; I'll definitely be happy to get out of the house for once.
Enough rambling. Merry Christmas (and Happy Chanuka--yes, WITH the guttural "ch" sound).