Doctor Who Drabble-Tag Drabbles: Post 1

Jan 14, 2008 13:37

Various Characters, Various Themes.

All from The Fantasy Script Drabble Tag Challenge

‘The world changes when it snows’

He flung the TARDIS doors open with a flourish and gently pushed his companion out by the small of her back before wrapping his lengthy scarf around him more tightly. The frost and snow crunched underfoot as they wandered through familiar Parisienne streets; it had only been nine months since they’d been here before.
Once the Eiffel Tower was in sight, he took her delicate hand and rushed towards the lift and ushered her inside. He didn’t understand why she couldn’t get in the moment, with the distant sounds of carols and the thousands of footsteps of Christmas shoppers ringing in their ears.

“It’s just frozen water, Doctor.” Romana stated non-differently, whilst staring out at Paris. “Ice.”
“Ah, but Romana the whole world changes when it snows.”

The TARDIS dematerialised in front of him but he felt no regrets. Rose hadn’t needed him for such a long time now, and whilst knocking around in the TARDIS he was really just the spare wheel. It felt like an age ago since the weird man with the battered leather jacket and the elephant ears had stolen his girl and he just sat there; a cowering wreck. They’d lost so many people already, but there was still so many to save. The Cybermen could be in any of the major cities; they didn’t know what Lumic had been thinking. No more Mickey the idiot, the tin dog. Mickey Smith had come of age, and he was defending the earth.


“Ever since I was a child, I looked into the vortex. That’s when it chose me the drumming; the call. It’s a war.” Insanity fleeced across his eyes. “Can’t you hear it?”

The Master looked deep into the wizened Doctor’s eyes, briefly hoping for sympathy, for someone who could not only hear that incessant drumbeat but could understand. But no, of course the brilliant Doctor wouldn’t understand, no one would. They have a peace he never understood.

“It’s only you.”
Leaving the room with quiet, faithful, ever so slightly unstable Lucy, all he could here was the drumbeat. Until the childish girl opened her mouth: ‘oooh eeee oooh, weee, ahhh, wooo’.

'Do you hear what I hear?'

It was lonely, living in 1913. Didn’t help being a 21st Century girl, almost a doctor, receiving such heavy racial and emotional backlash; unsurprisingly of course. In the cramped attic bedroom, she slept along with the other maids and her mind never stopped. Often she would wake, expecting the others to hear exactly what she did. The TARDIS’ gentle burbling, cackling Carrionites, Daleks shrieking ‘Exterminate’. Mostly, she anticipated the crashing sounds explosion - not the imminent war, but the Family. It didn’t happen, and no-one else could hear what Martha Jones heard. They were normal people from 1913, going about their everyday lives.

'Ice cream in winter? You must be mad.'

“Ice cream? In winter? In Paris?” Romana implored, “Honestly Doctor, I swear you must be mad.”

She shivered and he just grinned at her and finished it in two mouthfuls.

“Well, what do you suggest then?”
”Coffee.” She stated. “Then somewhere more suited to K9, poor thing hasn’t been out of the TARDIS for weeks!”

“Ice cream in winter? You must be mad!”

Rose was laughing at him, but insisted on taking a lick of the mint chocolate chip ice cream anyway.

“Someone else said that to me once.” The Doctor mused. “Long time ago now.”

“Isn’t the snow wonderful?”

“What is it with you at the moment?” Romana groaned, pulling her jacket around herself closer.
“Oh but Romana, K9, isn’t the snow wonderful?”
“Negative master. It interferes with my traction and the Romana-mistress is contracting a cold which is caused by Rhinovirus. There is no cure as yet due to…”
“All right K9!” The Doctor snapped. “All right. What’s wrong with you two?”
“I’m cold and you continually insist on taking us to these snowy places!”
“As previously stated, the snow interferes with…”
“Fine, fine.” He grumbled. “We’ll go somewhere else. Brighton, the pier opening?”
“Thank you.” Romana smiled.
Shoebox Mice

“No, Susan. You cannot keep it.”
The elderly man harrumphed at his Granddaughter and she looked crushed, but nevertheless put the bag containing a baby blackbird down, before chasing after him.


“Sarah Jane, really?”

The Doctor stared at the jar containing goldfish which she had presented proudly to him, suggesting they would make an excellent addition to the TARDIS.

“No pets in the TARDIS. I mean it.”

“Mice. In a shoebox?”

The Doctor stared at Martha incredulously as the baby mice skittered around the shoebox, over and under the cardboard tube she’d supplied for them.

“What is it with my companions and pets?”


It wasn’t long before Martha discovered what a ‘lazy day in the TARDIS’ incorporated. Her visions of slobbing around in front of widescreen television, catching up with Neighbours and Scrubs whilst eating junk food were soon quashed.
The forty laps around the Olympic-sized swimming pool exhausted her. Then the Doctor suggested a ‘short’ jog through a few of the higher corridors. It lasted two hours. To ‘wind down’, he taught her some Trafekean Aikido.
Seeing she was lagging, the Doctor smiled and said he would go make some adjustments to the Helmic Regulator. Seemed she would get to catch up with Neighbours after all.

Chained To You

“I suppose it could be worse.”
“How so?”
“Could be on my own again, at least I have company.” She smiled. “Intelligent company.”
“Unlike the Doctor?”
“Oh very much so.”
Martha grinned in response, despite the fact her companion couldn’t see and they were waiting for the Doctor to rescue them. She had a point. Despite the fact they were in a dank, musty dungeon and rainwater was dripping on her leg she had fine company.

“Martha Jones, it’s all very nice being chained to you.” Martha gasped as a feminine hand grazed over hers. “But I rather think getting out on our own is a better idea, don’t you?”

Yes, if there was anyone to get chained to these days, it had to be Romanadvoratrelundar; who was far better at concealing a sonic screwdriver than the Doctor ever was.

That Duck Just Spoke To Me!

“Good day to you, dear.”

She boggled slightly at the creature, despite feeling a tug on her hand to keep moving. She stood frozen to the spot, not quite sure how to comprehend what had just happened.

“Donna, come on!”
“It’s a duck.”
“Yes. And?”
“It just spoke to me!”
“Donna.” The Doctor sighed. “We’re not on Earth, it’s not a duck. It just looks like one.”
“That duck just spoke to me!”
“It’s perfectly normal. Now move.”
“You really are a Martian aren’t you?”
“How many times?” He started. “I am not from Mars!”

character: 4th doctor, character: k9, tv: doctor who, character: the master, character: rose tyler, fanfic: drabbles, character: 10th doctor, character: sarah jane smith, character: 1st doctor, character: donna noble, character: martha jones, character: susan (doctor who), character: mickey smith

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