May 09, 2013 00:39
This is good. I just launched the newly refreshed LJ phone app. And where I'd gotten used to having to hit the web site to read, I can now do it via the phone. This is SO much better. I've gotten to liking native mobile apps for this kind of activity. Glad to see LJ has adapted. Perhaps this will inspire me to read, comment, and post more. There have been many things I've thought about pondering, in passing. But in these situations, I either do it in that moment or it gets lost in a sea of randomness. And with H coming soon, there's going to be a whole lot more random. :-) I'm looking forward to his arrival in so many ways. And yet there are parts of me that dread it immensely.
I'm the sort of person -- introvert, for shorthand -- who needs (not just wants, but needs) quiet time to recharge and reflect. I'm going to need to actually fight to get that kind of time very soon and this worries me a little. There have been other recent changes, which has resulted in Y being home a lot more than he used to. This has affected my alone time already, for several months now. I can feel the affects. But just something I need to adapt to.
Don't want to ramble too much, but I think I've honestly missed capturing these thoughts here. I need to let myself gather these ideas up and make a list of things I've been meaning to post about. After all the novelty of Twitter (which I still enjoy), Facebook (which I barely tolerate and read almost not at all), and G+ (which I've left, and shunned Google with a few rare exceptions...).... THIS is the one place where I have ever properly journaled and blogged, and in a very forthright and unyielding way.
I've missed you, LJ, and I'm glad you're still here after all the other social network follies have fallen away (for the most part).
Now... Where was I?
via ljapp