Bears and Dogs and Beasts... Oh My!

Jun 11, 2008 12:49

I've lurked on a variety of personals and gay sites over time. Just recently, I wandered over to sign up on Bear411. And lately I've been getting pinged by a variety of LOCAL guys there -- what a refreshing change. There's one in particular that I've been very interested to meet. No, I mean really meet... hang out, maybe date. I enjoy sex and hooking up as much as the next guy, but I'm getting to a point emotionally where I need something more substantive. I think my BDSM experiences have been pushing me in this direction too... letting me get into touch with more of my emotional being rather than just all the external stuff.

Anyway, I'd pointed K to this blog and a couple of specific posts, like the one about The Beast. But then I didn't hear from him for about a week and I started to wonder a bit whether I'd spooked him off. I got home and noticed him online while I was nursing my knee. I had already emailed, sent a PM on the web, and IM'ed once in the meantime... so I debated saying anything. I can get very bouncy and puppy-like and it can sometimes come across as more clingy than I intend. But I took a chance and said "hi"....

Turns out he had indeed just been busy. Those little sub-drop anxieties were for naught, much as I suppose they really should be.

Him : How are you, handsome?  At home?
Me : yeah, I'm home. nursing a tweaked knee :(
Him : ...  can I come over and massage it from down your throat?  
Me : I do enjoy being nursed... but not feeling particularly sexy :)
Him : I'll nurse from your chest anytime, stud.  
Him : give me a teet anyday.  Slurp!
Me : damn... the idea of having my tits worked actually has me horny hehe

Well, just because we're taking it slow doesn't mean we can't flirt! :D I expressed my concern that perhaps I'd shared too much of the kinky stuff and he'd run away. Maybe it's not his thing, but he's still interested... and that revelation made my heart do a little somersault in my chest. Le Sigh.

Me : so what's your idea of a perfect first date? :)
Him : lunch or an early dinner on a weekend night, maybe walking around and chatting afterward, deciding what the night holds for us (maybe a movie or something afterward).
Him : something casual and relaxing.
Me : sounds about my speed :)

And it really is, too. Just a simple, quiet time together and get to know each other... and more laid back than the usual interview process some dates are (I hope!). But as we flirted a bit more, I wanted to share some more of my inner state with him.

Me : patience is hard hehe
Me : my pup likes to come out and play
Him : I know all about hard hehe
Him : your inner pup?
Him : like your beast?
Me : exactly:)
Him : thought so.  I got it.

Squee! He gets it... Well, I hope he gets a whole lot more of it. Back to that patience topic.... ;-)

im, squee, dating, bondage, bear, puppy, lust, beast, gay

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