I am
I play Vriska Serket
Contact Methods: carcinoBiologist on AIM, ping me on IRC on the nick VriskaSerket, plurk is
ryojiTimezone and Scheduling Issues: CST -6
Posting/Jumping/Thread-Dropping: I'll try to post as frequently as solid ideas come to me, but I'll mainly be a post-tagger. If you want to double post, contact me! That'd be lovely! Thread jumping is a-okay! I'll try not to drop threads, but if I do, please let me know-- chances are it got lost in my inbox.
Comfort Levels: Just keep in mind that my character is a thirteen year old equivalent, even if she doesn't act like it. I don't have many squicks or ew no levels.
Concrit/OOC issues: PM me, though I'll have a post up for it shortly. I welcome all kinds of crit!
Goals: To get my character solid CR, both in and out of cast. And hopefully not to annoy anyone with her typing quirk.
Essays and Memes: Definitely going to do these.
Beta-ing: I'm... not good at it! Alas. But if you want me to, I'll try.
AU-ing: Oh yes.
Final Comments: Nada!
Age: 6 Solar Sweeps, equivalent of 13 years old.
Height: Decent, if the art is any indication.
Weight: ??? Art gives everyone the same builds so I'm not sure.
Medical Info: Technically dead. Thanks to Camp, healthy as the day she hatched.
Eyes: She has pure yellow sclera, her left eye has one solid black pupil and her right eye has a medium-sized pupil with seven mini-pupils surrounding it. Her eyes can be used for a number of things, and most of them involve cheating and stealing.
Hair: Long, black.
Physical traits: Her skin is gray, but where there would be human tints of blood (blushing, etc), those parts of her will be a navy blue instead of pink! It is the color of her blood, after all. Trolls are pretty uptight about it.
What's Okay To Mention Around Him/Her: Anything. Go for it.
Abilities: Vriska's the rough physical equivalent of a supergrinded character at the end of the RPG. Where you get all the extra levels you didn't need to for the super secret final boss. She is STRONG packed in a tiny 6 sweeps package, but it's not her power itself, it how she uses it.
- Stealing luck: Vriska can steal ALL THE LUCK or at least has some control over it, and can steal luck from an opponent, whoever. This makes her incredibly lucky and the other person incredibly not. This usually results in death.
- Surprise! You have narcolepsy: One of Vriska's favorites is putting people to sleep, though that won't get her much use here.
-Fluorite Octet: Vriska's main weapons, a set of eight die that she can roll to have a real, physical outcome on whoever she's up against. Because she's so lucky, she can do devastating damage. However, it will take a SHOWDOWN for her to really use this against someone anymore. Killing is... something she's trying to cut back on.
- She can generally get into minds.
Notes for the Psychics/Magically or Spiritually sensitive: Feel free to call Vriska out on prodding around brainmeats-- if Equius can do it, so can you.
Can I shapeshift/bodyswap/spit at/step on/etc?: Yes to all of these.
Hugging/kissing/other non-violent physical contact: Yes, but this might warrant some less than positive reactions.
Maim/Murder/Death: I assume ooc contact will be made for the last two, but yes.
Cooking: She has no idea what your human cuisine is like.
Other: Not that I can think of!