Your Name/Alias: Owl
Age: 21
Character: Vriska Serket
HomestuckCharacter Age: 6 sweeps/13 years equivalent.
Canon: Let me tell you about Homestuck. Homestuck is about four internet friends, twelve trolls, and a creation myth that spans across two universes. It all starts with the development of a game called SBURB, and how it and its activation as a game brings on the end of the world as we know it, and no one feels fine. Before our heroes started their quest, it just so happened that in another universe, twelve other heroes had tried, and won. Normally this would be the point to cheer, but the two universes are connected by one Big Bad. The trolls (their species) at first blame the humans for their failure, but realize they have more to gain and everything to lose if they don’t work together. It’s a wild ride to solve the riddle of SBURB, the reason why everything went wrong, how to set it right, and most important of all, the power of internet friendship
Personality-wise, Vriska may just be among the most unstable of the trolls. Raised by an alien culture that preaches violence as virtue, at 6 sweeps old, Vriska is no stranger to murder and fits of revenge cycles through pure and utter maliciousness. After dealing with the humans (specifically John) had started to turn on her old ways because of her past and present mistakes, leading her to reflect on an old obsession and why she'd like to be a little more 'human'. Vriska is prone to quips of sarcasm and establishing her superiority to anyone who's willing to listen, and their inferiority to boot. She's messed up six sweeps 'til Sunday, but fun never came wrapped in a nice package. And hey, she's also a canon roleplayer. Spoilertext: As of right now, Vriska has kicked the proverbial bucket. Like many things in her life, she learned the lesson too little, too late.
Vriska also speaks in her own personal font color and typing quirk, which involves replacing b with 8 and ate with 8, and making things a bit dramaaaaaaaatic. Her quirk gets even worse when under stress. As an additional note, grubs are to trolls what babies are to humans, and grist is just what you call video game loot.
Sample Post: I don't know a8out you guys, 8ut I'm up for a little rollplay. :::;)
I've 8een educating myself in your ta8le games for humans, and the mess hall has generously provided the ritual soft drinks and pizza needed, so I am informed! I'll give you a fighting chance! Lose, and you're zom8ie grist for the reaping. Setting, setting... Okay. You're in a dark and spooooooooky dungeon. There is no light to 8e found anywhere! It is like someone ro88ed the sun. Someone might have actually ro88ed the sun! Who knows. I'm running your human ta8le game and I make the facts. Sun? Ro88ed. You? Mo88ed! That's right! My dice just rolled a clear pathway for 8andits! Skeleton 8andits, ready to ro8 you 8lind of your unlifes! What do you do?
There is no a8scond, dum8ass! They've got you surrounded-- hey, 8rainmeat Rottflesh, stay in character. Stop chewing on your game piece and make a plan! I should have started the campaign with Marcy and the gorillas instead of you weaklings, if the first move you make is to run away! At least Marcy would drag one of these poor suckers up her silo. May8e. The 8andits have +5 Auto8uff Armor and their weakness is sunlight! What do you do?
>Meander Around
No! Ugh! I gave you a complete opening to shoot down the wall a8ove the cavern and gain experience! You have no excuse, you're in the 8owsnipe Hunterloot class. The dice could have easily given you a favora8le roll! Even the lowest would have knocked some out, am8urs. You! Healer class! Don't you know the undead is weak against heal magic? Gru8s know that! Gru8s who play online games where the phrase ASL is still common lingo and quest for things like hair ri88ons and cute animals instead of all the experience and instadeath armor.
What, Rottflesh? You wanted the twin ri88on accessories? Well guess what. Party over. The ceiling suddenly collapses, crushing everyone. Oh w8, it crushes the 8andits first! 8ut then the floor collapses, and you trigger a doomsday device which triggers other doomsday devices across all twelve kingdoms. You spend the next quarter of a sweep trying to undo your wrongs until you die a slow, pointless, misera8le death without a quadrant filled or a single 8oon8uck to your name. The end, game over.
Now who wants to watch me roll my dice?
Voting went down