Trolling Redux 06: voice, video

Nov 30, 2010 16:41

[For now, there's only sound. The quiet, soft sound of scissors snipping together, followed by a]

Sorry, Miss Flower, but I gotta.

[Finny's voice sounds a little different than normal. It's quiet and a little sad, almost thoughtful. There's another snip, followed by another mumbled apology, the sounds slowly fading as Finny moves further from the PCD. It eventually shuts off the audio feed when there's nothing to record.

Only to come on with video moments later, Finny beaming into it. What, it's a handy way to communicate with the other staff without searching them out in the house, though of course Finny'd do that as well, just in case.]

Chores are done, Mister Sebastian! Ima go outside for a bit! Maylene, Maylene, do you wanna come with me?

[Cold temperatures, what is that? Finny puts down the PCD so he can pull some warmer clothes on, rocking on his heels like an excitable kid. It's sunny today, so that's all the incentive he needs to go outside! Besides, he still has duties to do out there! Yea! He forgoes his sun hat for a scarf, grabbing the PCD to shove it into a coat pocket, completely forgetting it's still on even if he was JUST talking into it, humming happily, which is all the PCD picks up now, that and coat pocket lint, from the little bit of light filtering in.]

c: jean, c: alice, glee!, same ol' finny, *adstringendum, a touch of sadness, c: usagi

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