Trolling Redux 05: Accidental Video, Open

Nov 10, 2010 13:57

[Mister Sebastian left Finny in charge of the household while he was blind and while the Young Master needed Sebastian by his side still.

You know what this means?

Possibly rampant destruction.

Which seems to be getting a head start as the video flicks on from Finny sitting it down. He's rearranging some random chef looking hat he managed to find somewhere to fit his head better, his sun hat surprisingly not around his neck, but he's made sure the silly apron he put on... it's blue and frilly... is covering his neck. He beams happily when he has everything fitted fitted and starts gathering things.

Is Finny going to try and cook? Of course! Agni isn't around anymore, Mister Sebastian is blind, Young Master needs to relax, there's no Bard and Maylene should relax too, with her voice gone and all. This leaves it to Finny!

Who wants some burnt... somethings... as he channels Bard. Be thankful there are no high powered explosives about!]

bad idea bad idea!, *event: take not for granted, glee!, c: sailor saturn, c: lance, things break around me, c: sebastian, *adstringendum

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