More Bullshit

Dec 02, 2006 18:58

Someone forwarded on to me the "truth" about what had happened with those arrested Islamic religious leaders -- and it must be the truth, because it was from a guy that was on that flight!

What was his proof? The Ticket Agent felt... A passenger felt... A passenger thought... I thought... Ah, the old "it's truth if I believe" it defense.

Yes -- I remember shortly after the Oklahoma City bombings how people reacted. White people were pulled off of airplanes. Anyone seen praying to Jesus was thought to be a terrorist.

Sarcasm toward hypocrisy aside, this man's reaction is quite foolish. His major "proof" towards these people being terrorists was that they were traveling while being Arabs. This person felt and that person felt is not evidence in a court of law. In his way, he actually proves that it was White, Christian paranoia that was being transformed into actionable "facts".

The truth is that these particular people -- while not traveling together, as a family would -- were just religious leaders all attending the same conference [ironically, a religious conference about religious tolerance]. The fact that they have a lawyer so quickly I'm sure had to do with being arrested, and the quick suit that followed probably says more about the climate of these times than any pre-planned publicity stunt. I'm sure that the consequence of being sent to a secret prison in a foreign country without opportunity of a trial and being tortured for the sake of some press has got to be worth it.

Let us not forget that on the day the towers fell, the terrorists were all clean shaven, and dressed in modern American garb. They did this to fool people into thinking they were just another group of passengers -- a tactic that obviously worked.

So do we really think that in this paranoid, "post 9/11" world that we live in, that terrorists actually think that by traveling in a group, in traditional clothing, with religious facial hair, speaking in Arabic, and PRAYING to Allah at the gate that they would somehow be able to sneak past the airport security measures?

It's good to see that the American people -- the wonderful folks that brought us Reality TV, Paris Hilton, and George W. Bush -- are on the lookout for terrorists. Because if they don't keep us safe -- who will?

I, personally, am planning to mention anyone I see praying -- to Allah or Jesus -- to my security and police officers. I don't think any religious fanatics should be allowed to fly on my plane.
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