Doctor Rant!!

May 29, 2007 09:18

Have I mentioned how much I hate my doctor? Yestarday I had my yearly (the only reason I go is for my PAP, i'd rather spend 20 min with a man I hate then find out next year I have cancer that could have been detected with a simple pap) typically we start with the weight issue. I told him, i've been running twice a week, and I work out. I have also changed my eating habits since living on my own. *i swear to go this was his reaction*
Well that's not working is it? (hello buy a bedside manner!) you need to stop eating at places like McDonalds (haven't been to mcdee's in more then year) and you can run all you want but it's not going to help someone like you. (WHAT?!) So he handed me a lab req and told me he wouldn't be surprised if I had diabetes or high cholesterol which at my age wouldn't be good since i'm young and I could be doing more to save myself from an early grave.
Then he did the pap and handed me the sample and I went on my way.
You know there are two ways to tell someone something, and making them feel like a reject who could die in a month isn't probably the best. He's such an idiot. He told my mother the same thing. She needed to stop eating at fast food places and get more excersize she was goingto die in a year. (she doesn't eat at fast food places, she's all about eating at home, and she excersizes daily.) The problem I have is how my doctor is with my dad, who is over weight also, but the doctor didn't say anthing to him, didn't even tell him to quit smoking (which he harped on my mom about) all he said was Michael you're in pretty good health considering. And that was it. I went to see him after my car accident and he didn't care, he made me feel like the accident was my fault and all I wanted him to do was look at my x-rays and tell me my fucking knees were'nt busted up.

It's hard to find a family doctor in calgary, which is the only reason I keep going to him. But really, i only see him for my yearly. Otherwise what'st he point, I went to him for my shoulders, and my wrists, he told me my shoulder pain would get better and if i needed to take 8-10 advil a day that was fine. My wrist weren't carprall tunnel it was just tendonitis (note he didn't touch me at either of these visits, i'm not sure how he can diagnosis someone without examining them?!?)
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