Feb 22, 2005 05:20

So I went to bed at 12:30 amd got woken at 2am with the pain again.
I don't know what to do. It's the same pain I had before Christmas when I got taken to hospital. I tried to put up with it; hot water bottle, painkillers and Melrose Place repeats but it got worse. I called the emergency doctor to find that now, instead of getting through to the night GP you get NHS Direct. They assess you, get a nurse to asses you and then reassess you - it's a bloody good job I can still talk cos otherwise I'd be out cold by now.

They told me I have to see a doctor within 6 hours. But would they send me one? No.
So instead I have to go and see Dr Feck Knows How I Qualified Bitch Face Whore who will tell me there's nothing wrong before I even sit down.

This is getting stupid now - there is obviously something wrong because I keep getting this bad pain.

I don't need this now and it's worse because I don't have my baby sitting next to me keeping me warm, or licking me cos he knows I'm sick.

This was supposed to be my good year. What the fack has happened?
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