Ra-ra-rasputin, Russia's greatest love machine

May 04, 2011 23:49

You guys, I just realized most of you don't know about my two "proper" blogs, Dasia Has A Blog and Dressing Out Loud.

If y'all have blogger accounts (and are vaguely interested in what I write about) it'd be awesome if you followed me. 'Cause internet numbers = self worth, you know? :P

The first, Dasia Has A Blog, is something I started at varsity to practice writing for an audience, without emoticons. I try to keep the themes very open but it mostly ends up being comedy, or my (edited thoughts) on stuff. I've recently given it a makeover, which for the moment is not co-operating with my browser, so consider the layout a work in progress.

The second, Dressing Out Loud, is much younger and greener, if I must be honest. I've always wanted to blog about style, dressing up and all that girly jazz, but my insecurities always stopped me. So I manned up and started my dressing up blog a few months back, but the problem turned out to be finding a time when my sister (my photographer) was  available, and when I was in the mood to take pictures. So now that I've got my own camera it's time for a Bloggery Renaissance ^_^ I invite you guys to take a look :)

shameless self promotion, links

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