It seems this has come nothing but land community related stuff. Perhaps I'll add real stuff, I don't know.
What I have left to do...
Challenge 28: Emotion Gifs Tuesday 16 August, 3 pm EDT/8 pm GMT - Not doing I can't make gifs. Sure I could attempt to learn but I tried before and though I love looking at gifs I have no interest in doing my own.
Challenge 29: What's Yours Like? Sunday 21 August, 3 pm EDT/8 pm GMT - I might give this a go, however I really don't like the challenge or any type like this. 2 points for each comment I make to have someone guess what/who/etc I'm thinking of and 2 points for each guess I make to a comment. Up to 30 points. It seems if you don't get your info etc in within the first day or two you're screwed.
Challenge 30: By My Song Saturday 20 August, 3 pm EDT/8 pm GMT - Actually I have done this, or rather Jason did. Just have to submit it. Hell he even recorded it!
Challenge 31: Texturize Monday 22 August, 3 pm EDT/8 pm GMT - Textures have never been my fortay but I think I can knock something out.
Episode Unscramble due August 16th @ 10:00pm EDT countdown! - I find jumble puzzles to be a big pain and they frustrate me to no end.
Alternate Realities due August 20th @ 10:00pm EDT countdown! - I haven't given this much thought, I'm sure I can think of something.
Screencap Meme due August 21st @ 10:00pm EDT countdown! - Yeah I'll get it done.
Recruitment due August 22nd @ 10:00pm EDT countdown! - I don't care.
Challenge 13: Keep Calm due August 17th at 9pm EDT - I have no idea what to do! And I'm afraid I'll do something that someone else has done. The rules don't state that you can't do the same as someone else but it to me just seems unoriginal.
Challenge 14: Drabble Tree due August 26th at 9pm EDT - I'm waiting a bit but I'll do it, hopefully I don't wait too long that nobody else needs to write, because the whole thing of can't reply twice in a row.
Challenge 1: Big Bang due September 25th at 9pm EDT - I had all but like 20 points left than I decided I hated what I had and somewhat started over, so now I'm at 52 points, but I got a few ideas for the remaining 48.
Episode 1x17: Create A Show - August 28 @ 10pm EDT - Had three ideas but none really felt like the One, I'll likely figure something out in time.
#1 - Promotion (open all phase) - I don't care.
#2 - Ideas (open all phase) - I'll think of two or three I suppose
#6 - Sig Tags (Sept 1) - I have made two but haven't submited, I plan on making more
#7 - Puzzles! (Aug 24) - I did all but the hardest, this likely be the best it gets.
Seems a bit overwelming however the majority if I focus I can easily knock out in a day or so. And I if can't, won't, don't, etc .... I really don't care or will I feel guilty. It's fun, entertainment and nothing more.