Watch this. YOU. HAVE. TO. A quote from this clip: "I know you're a man, but I'm gonna treat you like a lady."
Watch it. NOW.
ETA:Tagged by
rayvn_ashling Write 20 random facts about yourself then tag the same amount of people as minutes it takes you to write the facts.
Time. 10:50
1. I am deathly afraid of erm...death.
2. Until recently, I didn't know how to take compliments.
3. I can flirt okay when it's just me and my imagination, but end up like a deer caught in the headlights when I actually encounter it.
4. Aside from being afraid of dying, I am afraid of dying a virgin.
5. Sometimes, I think I buy too many books.
6. I never join writing competitions (well, except one) because I always expect to lose.
7. Because of a certain AU fic, I am now smitten with American fratboys. Gay American fratboys.
8. I often wish I was beter at video games, because I love playing them. Even if I suck.
9. When I was a young kid, I wanted desperately to be a soccer/football player, but my fellow football camp mates never passed me the ball. EVER.
10. I don't think I'm overly romantic, but I still long for that "romantic comedy declaration of love" moment.
11. I now know that it's never comfortable to be the only single person at a dinner table.
12. I thought I'd finish this survey much sooner.
13. I can't picture myself going on a long trip without Octavian with me.
14. I constantly wait for the day that I get fired from my job because I suck at it.
15. If I wasn't writing, I'd want to be a teacher.
16. I've only recently found out how fun it is to travel.
17. I want to learn how to surf, but I can't swim.
18. I LOVE the rainbow-colored boxers
ezraelandvari and
izkariote got me this Christmas.
19. Boy Meets Boy is LOVE. *huggles Team Uke*
20. I have a thing for musicians, particularly band people (Taylor Hanson, Mikey Way, Conor Oberst, I could go on and on), but then again who doesn't?
Time 11:07. My mobile phone timer tells me it's 16 minutes.
ETA 2:
Brokeback on Oprah [mood|