Oct 12, 2007 11:35
I went to the doctor this morning and discovered that my ankle is not b0rked. I didn't really think it was, but it still hurts like hell and is still all swollen and icky. I had xrays and much twisting and manipulation of the hello already painful ankle to determine that it is a severe sprain, and now I have a super sexy splint thingy. I'm supposed to keep the leg elevated, but there's really no way to do that in my cube and still have my leg, you know, in front of me, which is the position I prefer here in the office. Sort of behindish and off to the side is far less pleasant and makes reaching the keyboard a chore. I suppose I could prop my foot up on my desk, but while this is a relatively casual environment when we don't have guests in the office, it isn't quite that casual.
I asked about pain management, and it turns out I can have neither a chemically-induced coma while I wait for this to heal nor Vicodin. I'd hoped to spend a week or two being all House-like, but alas, it is not to be. Instead, I can have Advil. Where's the fun in that, I ask you? I can't be crabby and snarky because of Advil. I don't even get a snazzy cane. Just a splint thing and a breathtakingly graceful limp. I am a marvel of beauty and elegance, my little FriendBots.
Also, I can has flu shot. I hates flu shot, but I hates flu more. So ow, I has flu shot.
So that's my day so far. How about you, O Fabulous FriendBots? How is your day going?
Perhaps at some point today, or at least by the end of the weekend, I'll catch up with my APAD(ish). I'd like that. I'll even try to show you something that is not one of my cats. Or the other of my cats. It will be neither of my cats! I know, the excitement is probably almost too much. The rest of my weekend will most likely involve cleaning yet another closet, as I seem to have made tidying the closets my fall mission, and watching many many episodes of Gordon Ramsay's shows. And also drinking wine, now that I have managed to locate the cork screw.
gordon ramsay,