fontosaurus was in my area of town this afternoon running errands, so I got to have lunch with him. Yay, lunch with The
fontosaurus! Yay, Taco Bell! Yay, chalupas!
Seriously, yay chalupas from Taco Bell. I know it's not authentic Mexican food, and I do love authentic Mexican food, but sometimes, Taco Bell is exactly what I want.
I really, really love good food. I've had truly spectacular food done incredibly well by amazingly talented chefs. And yet sometimes, I want a giant fried onion with goopy sauce. Or chicken nuggets. Or cheese on toast with pepper and a splash of vinegar. Maybe it's a comfort thing? Whatever the case, my chalupas made me very happy.
I need another vintage etiquette book online. I miss the Tip o' the Day posts, but it's just not as much fun with modern etiquette. Anybody know of one other than Emily Post's Etiquette in Society, in Business, in Politics and at Home? Or if not an etiquette book, maybe something similarly hilarious? Tips on how to be a good wife and mother, written in the Fifties or before? Because that could be great fun. Whatever it is, it'll need to be something online that I can access here or at home. Or possibly an e-book.