Oct 02, 2006 11:18
I woke up this morning three minutes before the alarm went off. I got out of bed with a relatively good attitude about being awake earlier than I had to be, checked weather.com so I'd know what to wear, and started my day. I bounced into the living room and fed Linus and Crazy Eddie, and my enthusiasm seemed to surprised them. I definitely got the what's up with her this morning? looks. I told them they were Crabbypants Numbers 1 and 2 and moved on to the showering portion of my day. I finished that in record time because I had one last night after the gym and shaved my legs then, so I didn't have to deal with that this morning. I dried my me, dried my hair, brushed my teeth, and checked the time. Sweet, I thought. It's only five after. Um. Five after five?! Yeah. I did not wake up three minutes early. I woke up and hour and three minutes early. Christ. No wonder the cats were so confused. I had so much time before I needed to leave for the bus that I set the alarm again and went back to sleep. I still managed to get out the door looking cute, with good hair, in plenty of time to catch the bus. I'm sleepy as hell, but I can live with that. There is plenty of coffee and Diet Dew here, so one day of the sleepies is a manageable thing.
I went to the gym again yesterday. I didn't last as long on the elliptical torture device as I'd like, but I held it together a minute longer than on Friday, so yay for that. I've decided that that's my goal for right now: each time I get on the elliptical beast, I will last one minute longer than I did the last time. I'll do that until I build up to where ever I decide I need to be (right now I haven't a clue; I just know I'm not there yet), and then I'll figure out a new goal. At least I can feel good about pushing myself hard while I'm trying to build up to a decent time. I definitely worked hard on that monster. After the elliptical machine I did the weight machines. I am so feeling that today! All of my ceps are sore. Are there uniceps? Because if there are, mine hurt. My abular region is sore again, too. None of it is a bad pain, though. It's all the sort of sore that reminds me that I worked out yesterday, the sort that shows itself in my arm when I open a door or in my legs when I walk up or down the stairs, but not the sort that makes me want to cry every time I breathe. And I am profoundly grateful for that, my little FriendBots, because that sort of pain would suck. Now if my elbow cable would just stop hurting, I'd be doing well. Until tonight, when I go back. It's slowly dawning on me that this is not a temporary thing. This is not a matter of going to the gym faithfully for three months and then going back to parking my ass on the couch and watching DVDs. This is what my life is, now. I am happy, and really very surprised, to report that I'm okay with that. I'm having fun. Huh.
I did laundry yesterday. I washed everything except the comforter and sheets, which I completely forgot about. I mostly didn't mind it because I had a book to read, a soda to drink, an air conditioned place to sit, and plenty of time. The only thing that bothered me was that my work clothes came out of the washer covered in clumps of washing powder. Twice. And then I realized that I had too much stuff in the washing machine and moved it to a bigger one, and all was well. I even put it all away when I got home, which is pretty unusual for me. I know it doesn't sound like a huge accomplishment, but in order to put it away I had to finish assembling the dresser, so it'a a bigger deal than it might seem at first. So. Dresser assembled, clothes washed and put away. Yay!
I'm sure I did other things this weekend, but really, I can't remember what they were. I do know that it was a fabulous weekend. It was relaxed and fun and easy, and I so love that.
Happy Monday, my little FriendBots.
what time is it?!,
weekend update,