Ow. That Was Fun. But Ow.

Sep 29, 2006 21:46

I went to the gym tonight. I didn't do as well with the elliptical machine as I would have liked. I'd planned to go for 25 minutes, but the tunnel vision and head spinnies at 13 minutes and 37 seconds ruined it for me. So I stopped and sat down for a bit until I managed to get it together, and then I played with a basketball.

Okay, let's take a moment to process that, shall we? I played with a basketball. On purpose. Without being forced. I'm not sure that's ever happened before. And even more amazing? It was fun. I'm not any good at it at all, of course. It's less like a sport and more like a monkey with poo. I sort of fling the ball with no real idea where it may land. I did actually manage to make it land in the thingy -- basket, I assume -- several times. That was fantabulous. I was my own cheerleader, which was also great fun. Jazz hands, ladies and gentlemen! Also, I've discovered another muscly bit. It's in my right arm, at the top and in the back. Ow. It is very, very wobbly and a bit sore right now. I suspect it will be far worse tomorrow, and more than likely my shoulder, the right side of my back, and the right side of my chestular region will hurt as well. That's okay, though, because I spent the entire time laughing, I learned something new, and evidently it counts as a bit of a workout.

Also, I worked on my abular region again. The crunchy things on the half-ball thing?* They hurt. A lot. I did a squillion of those, as well as some regular ones on the mat on the floor. I also did this torturous thing where I lay on my back with my legs raised and pointed straight up at the ceiling and slowly lowered them until I was sure I would die, and then slowly brought them back up until I truly hoped I would die. I did eleventy billion of those, too. And then I stood on the half-ball thing and caught a basketball that was flung at my chest and threw it back, over and over and over. That was a riot. It was also a lot of work. There are a lot of muscly bits involved in keeping myself upright, staying on the ball thingy, and not having the basketball hit me like a cannon ball to the stomach. So yeah, my ab bits hurt, and I have no doubt they'll hurt even more tomorrow, and more than likely the day after will be even worse. So there's something to look forward to.

The truly fascinating thing about this whole gym thing is that I keep having fun. I had no idea that was possible. Huh. Perhaps I shall continue to go.

*I know it's difficult to follow me if you don't have my incredible technical knowledge of anatomy, sports, and exercise equipment, but do your best.

ETA: OMG! It's just occurred to me! Perhaps I have experienced an endorphin? That would be spiffy.

gym, technical knowledge, abular region, ow, monkey with poo, fun

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