(no subject)

Nov 13, 2006 23:39

It's been a really long time since I have said anything here. I have been so busy with this whole 'college' thing. I go on facebook, livejournal, 2 emails, and myspace daily and the computer gets overwhelming most of the time. I have been jotting down a few things I have wanted to say though. I have about 150 pictures, maybe more to upload for you. Did you know that there are 6 million Jews in the U.S. and 7 million Mormons? Kyle is going on his mission soon. that is crazy. I wonder where he will be, I should talk to him before he goes.

I am glad you want to be my best friend again. Or at least my friend. It is important to me, but I am afraid things will probably never be the same. we are different people and we like different things. I'm done with the concert scene. I dont know. I wish things were different and I was more hopeful, but silly things can be important, like profiles and top 8s and things like that. I'm over the highschool drama however, and I dont ever want to talk to the other again.

What kind of team is the Athletics?! Thats the crapiest mascot in the world. Other than the Walled lake Waves. Suckers. Anyways, Too bad the Tigers lost. That was cool while it lasted. It was spirited for Detroit'ers.

It's alot easier to listen to country music if your in love. Not saying that I've converted or anything, becuase I havent. I've just noticed. I dont mind Rascal Flatts and there's even a Tim McGraw song that I like. Heather hasn't tried to
oinfluence me, thank god. I dont know what I would do. I have almost converted to a Top 40 lover because it is so much fun, most of the time. I get sick of hearing the same songs nearly on repeat.

I know my favorite videos in the past have been pretty premanent, (All the Small Things, Frontier Psychaitrist, and WalkieTalkie Man) but I have a new one. Its by a band called Sia and the song is Sunday. If you get a chance, download the video. It's basically ridiculous. And I laughed my face off the whole time. Download it. I love MTV U.

So a couple weekends ago, I went home (naturally). I bought two tickets to The Fray from Jackie and I think the seats were 3rd floor. But, becuase Amanda was always a genius, I learned to become a master of deceiption and I know the State Theatre like the back of my hand. Sort of. Anyways, we got there late because I got home late, and it was cold and we didnt know where it was, but we walked by the Fox Theatre, which is next to state, and there was a man outside. The man went up to the usher and said "give these tickets to whoever you want". Wait, what? Tickets to what.. James Blunt. Not the biggest fan but we accepted them anyway. We were feeling pretty freakin' lucky so we went into the Fray and chilled and listened to a few songs. I had a great time. We went to Upperdeck for Cable Car and i liked being able to see for once. IT was weird. Then we went to (2nd row) James Blunt for 3 songs. It was nuts. I dont even believe it, to be honest. Anyhow, that was an awesome night.

Direct connecting on AIM is my favorite thing to do and lately, I find there are way too many gliche's with it. I hate the new AIM and I still have the old one. I would never convert, I love profiles and stuff like that.

Halloweekend was awesome. Delta Chi was so great. I wish I wanted to go so indepth with my night, but i'll show some pictures and leave it at 'best time here at msu'. I love that frat, and I love halloween. PS - I still dont drink. Just incase anyone was wondering, or considering making rumors. When I first came to college Elina decided to say stuff about me (go figure, I know) so I think its best if I just get rid of the possibility.

School hasn't been too hard for me yet. The tests have been hard, but the work load has been so small, I dont even know what to do with myself. All I have is reading and I hate reading so I never do it. So I guess the work load is bigger, I just dont work/ read. I'll brief my work though. ISS - 3 tests total. EAD - two 5 page papers, 2 group projects. REL - 2 exams, 1 5 page paper, 3 quizzes, MTH - a bunch of stuff but no homework. I know you dont care, but I care and I hope that you care.

I joined this group called M-RULE which stands for (Multi Racial Unity Living Expierence). I dont know why I joined it really, my RA is in it and it was pretty fun, but I think there is alot more I need to explore. I saw a bunch of girls playing Ultimate Frisbee for a team I think and I'd like to visit that sometime and see if I could handle it. Maybe I could join the team lol. I also would like to join the UAB - university activities board. That is right up my alley but it's all the way at the union and I dont know if I can handle going there all the time when it's cold out. ALthough, I am purchasing a bus pass from a boy named chad.. Anyhow, another thing I'd like to join is the frat that Jessie is in. She seems to like it alot and it also sounds like it could be fun. She's going to a 'fall ball' how cool! I miss homecoming dances and stuff.

I forgot Katie Leiter was so hilarious. I really miss her and Sara. I used to see them every single day and talk to them all the time. I miss the summer when we would go swimming and I miss talking to you about our boyfriends Katie. I hope that we start talking more becuase I want to tell you all about my new friends and have you come meet them. PS - come visit this weekend? You could actually stay the night, both of u! I think Megan is coming too, so we could have a party.

Can I ask everyone something? Why does the Boyd family hate Brad and I together? Why do I feel like his mom hates my guts, and why wont David talk to me anymore? Why does Klink almost ignore me, we used to be best friends! I would just like to change the way things have become with the Boyd family and their hatred towards Brad and I being together. One time I wrote the Boyd parents a letter and it was really nice, i thought. I didnt say anything bad, it was a letter to thank them for putting up with us always asking for Brad to visit, and things like that. They didn't say a word to me. Not only was I confused and mad, but I was so hurt over it. I was so sad and I've never felt so disliked by my boyfriends parents. I actually, have never felt like that at all. I just wish things would change. I am closest to Chris now, who I was the least closest to in the past. It is just strange and I am confused and sad. Someone please give me advice on what to do. I talked to Jess about it but all I got was the neggatives of Brad or us together. I guess its just not a good situation.

Another negative situation. One of Brad's x-girlfriends and myself. Well, this girl and I used to be great friends. My junior year, she was probably the closest senior friend I had. I hung out with her a bunch, we talked every single day, and we even talked about Brad. I admit that I knew that she liked him, but I almost knew it wasn't going to go anywhere. Then, she went off to college and I was still in highschool. Brad and I started talking and I hadnt talked to the girl in a few months. I took the opportunity (look where it got me) because I knew that I liked Brad more than I have ever liked another boy in my whole life. That is the kind of opportunity that you just cant let pass you by. So, like I said, I didnt let it pass me by and Brad and I started talking alot more. Almost into our relationship, Brad and his X-girlfriend had a little kissing session at a friend's house. I was devistated, because he had already told me he liked me. From then on, I was reluctant to trust him and her together becuase I just didnt know what to think. So, I forgave him and we have been together ever since. I called her when we started dating becuase we were friends, and I'd rather her hear it from me than from someone else. She seemed fine with it, until about 2 monthes ago. I talked to her online the day I left for college. She told me all about how she is happy for me now but hopes that she can get another chance with brad some day. I dont know what I am supposed to say to that. I got extremely upset and almost decided that I dont want to talk to her ever again. Extreme decision, but I knew that it wouldnt last. She IM's me all the time, and all she ever says is nice things. Sometimes she facebook comments and sends me messages to my away message. I dont know what I am supposed to do becuase she hurt my feelings so much, and I know I hurt hers first, but I just do not feel as though I can just be her friend. It is not easy to know that she wants to be pals with Brad again and also that someday, she hopes that they get a chance to go out. Thats not encouraging and it makes me sick to my stomach. Today we talked, and I didn't feel sick. I felt nothing. I felt like, I didnt care about it. Today, she appologized. She told me that there weren't anymore feelings and that she wanted us to be happy. I believe her 98% (I know that 2% almost never goes away) and I want to forget it all but for some reason, I just cant. I couldnt just be friends with her again becuase its too hard for me. Am I right? or am I completely wrong. To be honest, I have no idea. I want some guidance but I dont want to be told I'm wrong either. This is a really hard situation for me.

I spent the night in Brad's bed last night. He slept downstairs and I slept alone, but it was cool anyway and I really liked it. I think I had a hard time sleeping though. I hate sleeping alone in unfamiliar places. It's just awkward. I dont ever want to live by myself (even though in 8th grade Mrs. Arens gave us that as a word of advice to do sometime in the future).

Steve Carroll and I are better than we've been in years. I am so excited becuase he was my 1st love, and my best friend for so long. We were in constant turmoil and he found it important to be a dickface to me. I am so glad that we are back to how things are supposed to be, and I can wear my kokopelli ring sometime! (Don't worry Bradley, I promise it's not nearly as important as my ring from you) **THANK GOD, by the way**

Now, I suppose I'll wrap things up so there's a change I can update tonight and get some pictures in thurr.

I love you guys. I hope everything in everyone's life is going great, and I hope you all have a word of advice for me! Thanks, in advance. See you/Talk to you all soon!


My pals at Delta CHi's Grafiti party.


Brad, Hburr an meh

The back of the taxi. chelsey so tann.

stickin to my roots, dill01L.

Brad wants in on the action

Sailor girl with matt wozny and his dog. weird.

Just me and the dog. BAILEY XO.

Terry Haines?? WHAT!??!?! coke addict.

Me and peter, ready to croak!

I almost dont remember this. Frank Wozny?! what!?

Me and the big P

I love boydfriend.

And heathers boobs. go ahead. "OMG YOUR SOOOO LUCKY"

Chris.. hahahaah. I love this picture.

I kick ass. I kiss ass.

Ahahaha a naked girl and hysterics.

Auh. the loves of my life.

xo bffl haha.

XOXOXO even MORE bffl.

Holler at your roommate.

Holler at group photos and not doing coke.

I love 4west. so much.


Mah Doggs and Mah Playaz. HAHA.

:) again.

Ribbon dancer.

I look like a sick freak.

again. idiot.

Hha, Heather's downfall. Pictures in the btub.


Here lie some pictures from the dance

the concentrated look.



**ps, im going in order, from latest to oldest. **

um. This was... interesting.

Look at mike and his tiquilla? how do you spell tequilla. maybe thats how.

look at all those 'mack daddy pimps'

kissy facies.

ellie vader.


Jason's big attack


Cute brad, 585.


hahaha, punk ass.

This reminds me of shaving Kyle Roesler's head. Ha.

Way back when with the suitmates.

Chelsey and Heather and I

There's no description, except the fact that I'm not drinking. Dont be fooled.

The addition of Kelsey

Aparently these arent in order. Halloweenie.


Haha, I loved Hween.

Me and heather in one pair of pants. The usual.

Dont worry, heres the close up.

Brad. I"m sorry I made you be a pirate. I'm sorry about the whole night.

I really am sorry.

Showing off our grilz.

Me and George. Georgie rivers. ;)

hahah, pictures from before we left for college. sick.

I love group pictures the best. This was our last.

I love my davey. come back to meeee.

Katie's grad party!? how old are these!!

Some favorites from my first week or so with heather.

This is where the seriouis bonding took place.

I promise there arent many more.


Gettin kissy with chelsey.

Partie Animalz.

Ben Delaney's hall of famer.

Dancing i guess.


more outfits.

cup games.

I cant get over this picture. where is sara's leg?!?!?!

I look like a drunk fool.



Happy in the bathroom.

awwww my squirrel friend!!!! :)

My bird friend.

Brad's bird friend.

I look like an idiot woman.


Sexual and stuff.

Heathers favorite moment of her whole life.


Look waht heathers turned me into! ;)

Sexy back??? hahaahahah. jose.


The end. Enjoy.
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