New Years Survey 2005 A Year In Review
What did you do in 2005 that you'd never done before? Buy my own R rated movie ticket? haha. Quit a Job, had an interview, had a month where I didnt cry at least 5 times hah. Became friends with enemies, had like 99.9% of all of my dreams come true, uhm, skipped school, met Evan Kemp, fell asleep with boy(s). +++++++++
Did you keep your new years' resolutions, and will you make more for next year? Not a fan of new years resolutions. Or religions. If you were wondering. Its alllll about being nice, and making people feel good. I've got my morals, thats about all I really listen to. That, and Jessica Phillips, Keith Rozmus and Drew Edmonds. Hah.
Did anyone close to you give birth? No and if they did, I wouldn't care becuase I hate babies. WøK, hahah.
Did anyone close to you die? NO THANK GOD!
What countries did you visit? THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. I didnt even go to Canada this year, wtf.
What did you wear on Halloween? Oh I was a PIRATE!! It was sow fon.
Where and how did you spend your Thanksgiving? It was at my house, and me and my cousins watched videos that we made that were so stupid. I guess thanksgiving was okay this year.
Were you kissed under misletoe? Noppppe, nobody ever freaking has it becuase they would have to kiss dumb people all the time and it would be a hassle.
What did you get for Christmas? iPod stuff, cloths, you know, socks.
How did you spend New Years Eve? Best NYE of my life. LIIIIIIFE. I went to Aarons house for a half hour with Sara and Brad, talked to adultsx235234, Drew, Aaron, and Kelly and ELIZABETHxo and so on and so fourth. Played ping pong, got attacked, ate some breadbowl, Sara broke the german candle fan hahaha, after this, Brad took Sara and I to Katie's, where I was Panic!ing at the Disco, and freaking out because hellllllo I adore New Years. I played DDR forever, attempted to start twister, tried to make Igor hit on me so I could tell him he sucked at it, hoped that Igor was safe haha, talked to Aaron about our history with the Carroll Family, Aaron as in, Nikki's boy frayyynd. I also played some SERIOUS air hockey and tied Nicole, had my first new years kiss and first alot of things, for EXAMPLE, real boy girl sleep over. But before that, went to the Nerachers twice, took a million pictures on other people's cameras, then went to my house, played 'who would you rather do' with soooooo many people, told jokes, and had probably one of the best nights of 2005/beginning of 2006.
What would you like to have in 2006 that you lacked in 2005? Constant happiness, but I guess you cant ask for everything. I would like to graduate happy, with all of my friends in tact, maintain a steady group and find a roommate for college!!
What date from 2005 will remain etched upon your memory, and why? The 31st, becuase it was simply devine, homecoming, the day there was a matress on my porch, the couple days following that with two of my favorite boys, the something corporate concert, both times camping.
What was your biggest achievement of the year? The boy of my dreams, mainly. Also: meeting Evan Kemp, HC court, all of my GPAs, Clint, BPT AKA BACKPACKTWIN, etc hahah.
What was your biggest failure? Unfortunately, thinking that certain boys were right for me, when they clearly were not. Failures arent bad, they just help you learn. I consider them aids to acheivements.
Did you suffer illness or injury? I got sick too much, it was stupid. I had a cold like everyday and I lost my voice once I think. Weird.
How did you celebrate your 4th of July? I was camping with Claire and my family and I was at Mackinac Island watching fireworks.
What was the best thing you bought? Oh I buy way too much food. The best thing, probably my phone, whenever I bought that. After that, nothing, because I dont buy anything.
What Did you Do on Valentines Day this year? Hhahhaaha I hate Valentines day. I went to Mongolian BBQ with JL, and then hung around my house.
Whose behavior merited celebration? Holly, becuase she went through way too much crapola. Also, Miss Bojan for being the best friend ever, and Katie Leiter for that, and being so positive with a ton of shit. ha.
Whose behavior made you appalled and depressed? Hah, I dont want to talk about it.
Where did most of your money go? Food, alllllllll food.
What did you get really, really, really excited about? Oh my god, New Years Eve, going out with Brad, Going up north with Holly, first dates, going camping, meeting Evan Kemp, probably more.
What song will always remind you of 2005? Tons. Ill stick it with Aqualung - Brighter than Sunshine. I could also throw in: AAR - Move Along, Acceptance - So Contagious, OLP - Where are you?, oh yeah and the whole new FOB CD hahah with Jason in his car, and Tiger Lily
Compared to this time last year, are you happier or sadder? WAY HAPPIER. Bipolar change.
What do you wish you'd done more of? Probably more studying, and looked harder for a job.
What do you wish you'd done less of? Went out to eat, cried, cared about dumb things, worried about 'other girls.'
How did you spend Christmas? I worked. WHO WORKS ON CHRISTMAS?!?! Me.
Who did you spend the most time on the phone with? Uhm: Kyle, Ian, and then Brad, but mostly Brad PROBABLY. At least for like 90 hours, at leaaaast.
Did you fall in love in 2005? X! Nahhhh
How many one-night stands? Zero. I had a 3 week stand, and a one month stand. Notta.
What was your favorite TV program? I loved Las Vegas, and now I love Lost and PRISON BREAK XOXOXOXOXO haha. Auh Michael Scoffield. haaaa
Who was your favorite teacher? Definately NOT Schamanski! I think Plas, and this year I'd have to say COHEN! HAHAHAHA. But for real.
Do you like anyone now that you didn't this time last year? Not sure. I like people more than I did before, at least.
What was the best book you read? I LOVE: The Da Vinci Code, Angels and Demons, and The Notebook. I dont read, so those are sufficient.
What was your greatest musical discovery? Oh I'm no discoverer, but this year, I enjoyed: MAE, Matchbook a little bit more than before, Jacks Mannequinn, Acceptance, Benji Dell hahaahah, Kanye, Kelly Clarkson my BFFL, OLP, Panic!, Straylight Run, TSL, probably more.
What did you want and get? Hah. Easy question, easy answer. Bradley, for years.
What did you want and not get? PPI and Leadership camp. Dangit.
What was your favorite film of this year? Wedding Crashers and OH MY GOSH BATMAN WAS MY FAVVVVVORITE THING. Definately.
What did you do on your birthday, and how old were you? I had a party on the 3rd, I turned 18 on the 6th, and I went to eat with my family+Brad at On the Border on my Birthday.
What's one thing would have made your year immeasurably more satisfying? My job, earlier, or wayyyy more $$ at HH.
How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2005? GOTH. Except really just the plain-est thing you'll ever see. Plain white t. ;-).
What kept you sane? CocaCola + LJ and internet and friends and MySpace and oh, boys.
Which celebrity/public figure did you fancy the most? I sure do fancy Good ol' Andrew McMahanon?, Rob Damitz cause he's a public figure to me, and Michael from Prison Break, oh and the main character in Las Vegas haha.
What political issue stirred you the most? Gay Marriage, and everything about gay, as usual. I
Who/what did you miss? I missed Kyle a whole bunch but I am wayyyyy good now! I also missed sophomore year, friendships and what not.
Who were the best new people you met? Ian Musto, Ryan Moncton, Jessica Rothenburg, and last but NOT least, Oscar Hailiday AKA Young Banga.
Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2005: I dont think I learned any lessons, really. I just find out more and more the things that are important to me. It is important to care about people, and not get overwhelmed in yourself. Its pointless to sweat the small stuff, because when someone cares about you, they might not know exactly how to show it. Dont let other girls or boys, opposite sex for that matter, bring you down or make you worried. If somethings going to happen, it will. If it does, it was meant to, and it will only make you stronger. But, chances are, the one your with cares alot about you, and would never think of another girl. Many more,
Quote a song lyric that sums up your year: Oh no, this couldn't be more unexpected. And I can tell you I've been moving in so slow, Don't let it throw you off too far, Cause I'll be running right behind you. . I think for us both. And also what a feeling in my soul, love burns brighter than sunshine. It's brighter than sunshine, let the rain fall I dont care, I'm yours and suddenly you're mine, suddenly you're mine, and it's brighter than the sun. It's brighter the sun. It's brighter than the sun, sunshine. becuase cute, but not exactly the WHOLE YEAR. I suppose I could put more, but that would take effort and I cant think of anything from before September. EXCEPT THE STARTING LINE! hah.
Post pictures that explain or describe how you spent 2005:
I'm going captionless, sorry. hah. Mainly, here's how I spent my year +++++group photos.
2005 was the best year of my life. I've never been able to say that, at the end of the year. Maybe I have, but never meant it like I do this time.
Thanks to all the new friends, old friends, boyfriends, and girlfriends that made my year so great. Wouldnt have been the same without each and every one of you.