May 15, 2011 14:12
I keep telling myself that I will get better at posting, and of course, as with everything in my life, I am a work in progress.
I turn 39 today. I look in the mirror, see a few more wrinkles that don't go away when I stop creasing my brow in thought. But I am okay with that. I don't mind wearing my experiences on my face. This last year of my 30's is full of promise, and I look forward to seeing how things unfold in the coming months.
I've started my summer research assistant job, and I have to say that I love being back in the library. It is funny, when I went back to school (all those years ago now) I had a tough choice between picking History or English degrees. I chose English because I had more credits under my belt. But I love history, and it is always interesting to see the road not taken and what that might look like.
I am still working out a deal for an internship in the Fall, and I turned in my candidacy form today. I can't believe that I am so close to graduating with my Master's degree. It has been such a long road. I don't know what I will do with myself once January rolls around. I don't know how to *not* be in school any more.
Irregardless, I am happy to be finishing up the semester here next week (my final paper is due on May 20th) I look forward to getting some reading for pleasure in... put that Kindle of mine to good use. I also want to either a)get a jump on my e-portfolio work for my culminating class, or b)write a good portion of a novel.
Enjoying a relaxed birthday today. It's been a hell of a week. Sister went into the hospital with sever sepsis, dysfunctional organs, septicimia... which essentially means that a bacteria was flooding her blood. Luckily they caught it and found an antibiotic that worked to normalize her blood before permanent damage or organ failure occured. While all this was happening, Darren's car broke down... needs a new engine (blew a rod). He is in the market for a new(er) car now. My car is in great shape and gets good mileage, so that is something. It feels wierd to be single car household.
This weather is crazy! Thunder and rain, hail, mother nature is putting on quite a show!