Apr 03, 2011 19:58
Had a fantastic time in San Francisco doing WonderCon. To put it quite simply, we both needed to get the hell out of town and enjoy some "we" time that didn't include all the daily stress of our normal day-to-day lives. We had fun people watching, laughing and re-connecting. Something that I never get tired of when it comes to Darren.
It is both good and sad to be home again. Sad that the weekend is coming to an end, back to work tomorrow. Boo! But it has been good to see the cats, and I am very very relaxed. These are the weekends that re-energize me and get me back on track. I have needed this head space for a while with all of the catalog stuff going on at work. But I can't complain, I have a job and that is something that a lot of people can't say right now.
School is going good. I can't wait for the end of the semester, which draws closer every day. I am looking forward to having the summer to catch up on my reading and "friend time." Still have my student loans to think about. Which is no fun... but I plan to call the people who do the lending and find out what my different options are for re-payment as well as figure out what date I have to start paying them back on.
That's about it for now... going to go find some dinner, though I don't know what I want to eat. Guess I will figure it out soon enough!