The evolution of my blog.

Dec 26, 2009 19:31

It has come to my attention that this is the first post that I've ever made in a long time that doesn't concern Hetalia...

...not that I'm complaining, since I like the fact that my works are out there for people to see, and the other fact that the people who comment back like it. So senpai-tachi, thanks for reading my fics!

...Scratch that. I said that this post will have nothing to do with Hetalia, but as it turns out it has EVERYTHING to do with Hetalia. So brace yourselves for another round of my fangirling.

December means Christmas for most of us, but for most of us it also meant QUARTERLY EXAMS. Due to Ondoy, we didn't have classes for more than a week or so, leading to MAJOR PROCRASTINATION. But this time, it was from the teachers, to the joy of the students... (If the senseis ever read this, even if I know they never will, then gomen nasai...)

The first day was non-academic quarterly exams. It seemed easy enough, only problem was that the questions seemed to appear out of nowhere though... I didn't remember most of the test questions in TLE being actually discussed... =.= However, the highest point of my day was when our Values sensei said "draw and explain"... I decided to draw Belgium and Liechtenstein for one question, and Taiwan for another! I wonder how sensei liked it...?

The second day had Filipino, English, and Chemistry Now, ever since I had the ability to think, I always had difficulty with Filipino, which leads me to wonder why our Filipino test seemed easy to me? (Maybe it's the result of writing about Maria all the time... O.O) On the other hand, while I absolutely adore our lessons in English and Chemistry, our tests seem so hard that maybe the only one who would understand them is Einstein... Ergh.

(On a side note, I now like Einstein 'cause he studied in the PRUSSIAN INSTITUTE OF SCIENCES, according to my English book.)

The last day was what I (surprisingly) was waiting for - History. All of the people in our class were absolutely irritated when they found out that TEN points of the exam were in an essay about a lesson that our sensei never had the time to discuss - World War II. Since I'm a fangirl, I was overjoyed and began drawing up info from my memories of different fanfics... So thanks for the senpais who wrote great fanfics which make history easier to remember for me!

On our Christmas party, my friend gave me a teddy bear. It was cute, and it had a scarf. So my friend (who I have long since turned into a Hetalia fangirl) suggested that I call him "Russia". So now I call him "Russia-chan", and I drop him on the bed whilst yelling "VODKAAAAAAAAAAAAA~~~~~~~~~~~~~!"

Well, that's all for now. Mata ne!

// draw a circle and see earth, = thine mind's side-tracking itself, = the most cruel and yet necessary life

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