As far as I am concerned, shopping has become guaranteed
disappointment. Pants: too short or too fat. Shirts: too
short or too fat. Shoes: too short or too fat. (See the
general trend, here?) I wish it was okay to be naked, and that
everyone was fine with okay. Why!?!
My only consolation is that I found
beauties and they are JUST right.
But I really want to just end all shopping. Immediately. It
is bad for me and makes me feel horrible about myself, even though I
know I am probably fine. Clothing companies just don't understand
that not everyone is a "normal" height and a "normal" width.
Whatever "normal" is...? I'm definitely not it,
though. That's for sure.
Here is
one more picture
that pretty much sums up last night. (2 great
people and one insane person. I'll let you decide who's who.)
Ummm...see all you lit. nerds at the Review-B-Q (Matt, I love that phrase.) tomorrow.