
May 16, 2009 21:44

Hey everybody, coming to you live from Heidelberg Germany!! I finally have access to a computer for a long enough time to post. I'm having such a good time so far in Luxembourg, and decided to brave a vacation to Heidelberg all by myself this weekend. It was very stressful, what with me not speaking barely any German and all, but its been really rewarding to see that I can manage on my own in a strange city where I dont speak the language. Today I went to Heidelberg Castle, which was beautiful but extremely physically demanding. You have to walk uphill at like a 50 degree angle to get there, and it was pretty warm today. But it was really nice. I also wandered around the main part of town for awhile, and went in and out of all the shops. Bought some souvenirs for people back home. At like 4:00 I was getting kind of bored, and all the places were going to close in an hour or so. I passed this movie theater that was showing Star Trek, and I decided to go. There was this brouchure that said that the movie would be shown in its original language with untertitulen (subtitles), but once I got into the theater, it was dubbed in German!! But I actually understood a lot of it. Being here has definitely helped me with my French and German skills...it at least gives me the confidence to go up to people and try to speak with them, even though I know a total of maybe fifty words in German and half that in French. The hostel I'm staying it is really nice, even though the outside makes it look wicked sketch (lol). I'm leaving tomorrow at like 2:00, so I don't know what I'm going to do in the morning. Maybe I'll just chill at the hostel. Who knows? I miss everyone back home! Lots of love! Tchüss!!
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