Family gatherings & Sunday Church

Jul 13, 2008 18:16

Clara back again,

It's been a couple of days since we added anything but that's because we have been busy. Yesterday we cleaned up the house for guests. I had a number of cousins and other extended relatives come in over for a BBQ. My great aunt Ruth and great uncle Al came as did my second cousin Janice and her two kids Alicia and Erica. My other second cousin Nick also came. Marty's (my aunt Ginny's husband) daughter and her little one Savana were also here. Ginny brought lots of food and drinks for everyone.
It was an excellent time to get to know some of my cousins. Turns out Alicia and I both have the same bike :P and Erica just became a teacher. They all tell me I should go to UC-Santa Cruz for my teachers degree but I don't think that's a valid degree in Canada. Who knows I'll look into it.

Today Ginny picked us up to go see the Reverend Deborah talk. Everybody remember me talk about this woman? If case no she is the one who married my aunt Ginny and Marty. No only is she a woman but also a lesbian as well. The name of their rather large church is Inner Light Ministries and they all themselve and Omni faith church. The only church I've been in that all view are thought of as "the many paths to truth" needless to say both Sam and I were impressed with the place. It was quite inspiring to go see her talk.

This afternoon I was going to to go surfing but I was really no wanting to spend my last day on a flat ocean. So rather then that Sam and I went and picked up the rest of our gifts and were found some really good ones. Sam got herself a pink zip while I got a nifty hat. We also have pick up two silk covered books to create memory books when we get back to Kelowna.

Now we are just vegging and relaxing.

Cheers everyone

church and family

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