Last night I had a really philosophical dream. I can't remember the greatest amount of it, but basically it was about this author, and a bunch of people meeting to discuss his book's topic. Racism. He was this young, fairly good looking guy and met with all these academics (me included, haha) in an open courtyard, with a jungle-like feel at the edges. He discussed racial discrimination in lots of countries and how they differed, the varying types of racism and the impact it had. It was very informative, doing a comparison like that, and I remember thinking he made really, really good points.
So apparently if my dreams aren't viciously psychotic, they are very smart dreams.
I went to IKEA yesterday and came out with 2 floating shelves [for my dad] to nail to the wall, a mirror [for my dad] to nail to my cupboard door, a bookcase [that my dad] had to build and this awesome "mood" lamp. And some DVD cds, so I can give some of my TV shows to
_katttttt_ because I am DETERMINED to see Indiana Jones on tuesday. YYYYYYYY?
My broadband is FUCKED UP. I am so annoyed. I'm not sure whats wrong! It's not...dial up speeds, but its fairly freaking close! Normally I am able to download at between 300-400kps, but for the last few days its gone down to 20-40kps. IT IS DRIVING ME INSANE. I'm thinking it might be because we moved our computer into a different room.... but I can't remember if it was slow before then. So I will wait for my father to get home tonight and then nag him to try moving the modem back into the other room (HAHA) and trying it again. I will kill these slow speeds. I WILL.