I Have A Skirt That Jingle Jangle Jingles

Jul 17, 2007 21:59

Belly dancing class again tonight.  Before class the instructor had a new shipment of dance accessories available for purchase and I couldn't resist, poverty notwithstanding.  I chose a burgundy hip wrap that ties in front with 4 rows of janglies.  So I make music while I dance!  I'm sure I still look awkward and uncoordinated, but since there's no mirror I can believe I'm sexy and erotic.  There are classes starting here in Muncie next Monday, and I'm actually thinking of taking them also.  Maybe dancing twice a week will help me get the moves down more quickly.  And, of course, be twice as enticing . . .  (thinner, too, I hope).

I met Sandy several hours before class.  We had coffee at Starbucks and then went to a little shop on Mass Ave. where I bought a going away present ( an Aquarius necklace ) for my daughter who's leaving for grad school in a few weeks.  Then we went to a bead shop in Fountain Square and I picked up a bracelet for my mother for her birthday.  Actually, her birthday was in June, but we're having a family picnic on Sunday to celebrate all the summer birthdays - mom's, my sister's (July) and my brother's (August).  I'm only getting a present for my mother, though.  Then, we stopped at a thrift shop and I found this beautiful burgundy jacket for 2.65!  It will look awesome with my black skirt.  Oh, forgot to mention the two cups and saucers I bought at Starbucks (on clearance, I swear!).  Turned out to be an expensive day.  Probably shouldn't meet Sandy before class - she's obviously a bad influence!

After class several of us went out to eat, and decided to meet at the Mid Eastern Festival this Friday and then spend the night at Sandy's in Cloverdale - she has a camper we'll all stay in.  It will be fun to have a slumber party.  Between that and the picnic in Dayton it will be a busy weekend.  Hopefully, that will keep me focused on the positive for awhile.

friends, belly dancing

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