Local music....

Mar 06, 2009 15:30

I haven't really updated in a while. I've been really busy with the band. I've been busy trying to launch a promotions company (R.U.M.)as well to help with a few objectives: first, unify this fragmented almost non-existent scene here in RVA. Second, give new bands a shot at playing some shows and third, get my band on to bigger and better bookings and taking the best I've found along for the ride.

It is tough people in Richmond just don't make sense to me at times. Most of the bands are so bitchy and act like they are rock starts and most of them haven't played more than three shows. No one seems to understand a unified scene means more fans, larger crowds at shows which means more money in your pocket at the end of the night.

We played a pretty high profile show on 2/28 with Mensrea it was a good show for us all in all. We learn things everytime we play with bands that are "bigger" than us. Well I should say I learn from them. From speeding up set up and tear down times to showmanship.

Though last show there was one scary moment. I tripped over a cable and fell lucky for me I caught myself enough to land on my knees so I didn't drop or otherwise hurt my guitar. I would hate to have to replace my Dean Vendetta 4.0. My knees bothered some the rest of the night but other wise I was okay.

I also turned my Moderndayviking on to two great VA bands Elisium and Superglue Gandhis I think he picked up CDs from both bands at the show! He already had our stuff!

I can't beg people enough to go to local shows. I mean I don't care what type of music you like there is a local band that plays it -Trust me on this. I know funk, metal, punk, rock, cover, death metal, indi, indi-rock, indi-pop bands. Name a band I most likely know a band that has that sound that is local.

Go out to a show it will not kill you to leave your house, your computer, your W.O.W. game or whatever and see a local band live. You might find you have a new favorite band. Seriously I think lately I've been listening to Elisium and Superglue Gandhis more than anyone else I listen to lately! Next time these bands play check them out! Seriously they are awesome. Check them out on myspace or facebook -listen to their music!

Also did you know there is a local site called Streaming Richmond.com that is more or less a local version of myspace. It is a great place to find local music and bands. Give it a try it is still beta and is pretty new.

random stuff, rants, my updates, rva

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