Oct 31, 2008 16:18
I was just struck by a strange correlation... perhaps an epiphany... I'm not sure yet.
Now that I've found myself upon a careening emotional roller coaster... I was struck by the remembering of a nightmare I used to have frequently when I was much younger.
In the dream, I found myself unexpectedly in a roller coaster car speeding along. The tracks curved radically and when extremely high in the air. Rather quickly I would realize that while I was in the car, I was not secured inside it. As the curves worsened and the track went yet higher, I would eventually slide out of my seat and would end up holding on to the car for dear life with my legs hanging out behind it. Inevitably, when the car hit the highest part of the tracks there would be a sharp bend and I would be flung free of the car, out into the air... where I would wake up... terrified.
Now, I can't imagine why this would have any relevance on what is going on in my life now... ;-)
mr d,