Weekend, part 2

May 13, 2007 22:24

Saturday Jeff & I napped all afternoon.  Well, Jeff napped and I lay on the couch watching TV wishing I could nap.  But I did catch up on Gilmore Girls and watched an episode of House.  I'm trying to keep the TiVo from overwriting my shows before the May sweeps ends.  Finally we got up off the couch and went to dinner - tried that sushi restaurant on Parmer that
imzadi raved about not too long ago - Tomodachi.  It's a small place, but very popular and crowded.  Jeff was feeling adventurous and shared some sushi rolls with me!  And he liked them!  It was all cooked sushi, but it's a start!  It was fun to share the different rolls.

Sunday morning I met
pammyaggie for a 20 minute swim at Barton Springs, followed by a 6 mile trail run on the BC Greenbelt.  Julie H. joined us for the run.  The swim was the most pathetic swim I've done in a long time.  The good news was I tried my wetsuit on for the first time and it fit!  The bad news was my swim stamina is so poor that I couldn't swim even one lap without stopping and resting.  The second lap was just painful.  I have GOT to start swimming regularly or I'm gonna be sorry.  The trail run was nice but I fell down again.  Gotta pick my feet up!  I"m such a klutz!  Fortunately no injuries resulted.  Do all trail runners fall or is it just me?

Sunday afternoon I spent with Mom - a Mother's Day shopping extravaganza at Harold's Outlet and Marshall's.  And we had a snack at Camille's Cafe where Mom's ate free today!  Woohoo!  I did not falsely claim to be a Mom.

And this evening we grilled steaks, with corn on the cob and baked potatoes for my parents.  Very easy and delicious.  I got mini desserts at Whole Foods too.

Tomorrow I have an 8am conference call.  That's a lousy way to start a week.  Sigh.

swimming, running, trail running, weekend

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