Being healthy isn't all it's cracked up to be

Mar 15, 2006 09:08

I'm frustrated with my body. At the start of my third triathlon season, I feel so beat up. My weaknesses are both ankles, left shin, left calf, left knee, right hip flexor, right shoulder, and the latest...right wrist. I feel like I have to be so careful and aware of all my various sore parts when working out. I'm wearing down from all the nagging little injuries. But I sure must be healthy with all the exercise I do, right? My heart is strong, but my body's wearing out around it.

Yesterday I went to the ortho dr for my wrist. It's been a month since that stupid dog-related fall and it hurts more than ever. My extensive internet research convinced me that I've fractured my scaphoid bone. Unfortunately X-rays didn't rule it out, but they were inconclusive so today I'll have an MRI. Treatment could range from simple home exercises to a cast to surgery. This could possibly blow my triathlon season out of the water (haha). I won't find out the results until Monday, so I'm thinking I'd better enjoy my workouts this weekend, because I might be severely limited after next week.
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