Serious attitude attack

Apr 30, 2008 07:45

I did NOT want to swim last night.  I need to swim.  I had swum only twice this season before last night.  Cool weather does not motivate me to swim.  I figured if I just showed up at the workout swimming would follow.  I showed up.  I still did NOT want to swim.  I told myself if I put my hand in the water and it felt at all cool, I could bail.  I put my hand in the water.  Damn.  It felt nice and warm.  So I got in.  And I swam.  And I wanted to be done and I checked my watch every two minutes and finally it was over and I was glad I swam.  I bailed on the last 100 when my calf started cramping but I swam 1200 yards total including drills and all.  Not bad for swim workout #3 of the season.

I also do NOT want to do what I'm supposed to be doing at work right now and I think that attitude is spilling over into other areas.  Unfortunately, I can't bail on my work assignment if the water is cool. 


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