Friday night we went to the invitation only, "soft" opening of the new location of
El Chile, at Greystone & Mopac, where Mesa Hills Cafe used to be. We got our invitation courtesy of a new Trizones member. I always wanted to be one of those cool people that goes to these things! Free drinks and half price entrees - how cool is that? I had a Sangria Margarita and Mole Pork Enchiladas. I enjoyed them both very much!
Saturday morning was a Trizones beginner hill workout. We didn't have the usual number of Team Leaders due to a bunch of last minute cancellations. This was a hard workout to be short-handed, as there were 3 levels of cyclists going 3 different places at the same time. It all got mucked up when one cyclist came to me with a back wheel that wouldn't turn just as the group was heading out for the warmup. For a while we had too many Team Leaders trying to help her and not enough for everyone else. But we recovered quickly and got everyone moving again. This is also a hard workout to be a team leader - not much warmup, lots of sprinting up hills to catch up to people.
After the beginner workout was our workout - more hills! I did the Steiner Ranch D-Loop 5 times (in addition to the one time I did it with the beginner workout) and then one trip down Flat Top Ranch Rd and back up. I must do more hilly workouts!
And then we geocached. I got 7 and thought I had found all the remaining caches to find in Steiner Ranch but when I got home I found I missed one. Oh well. Next time.
Saturday night we saw a play, Doubt, at Zach Scott. Excellent play. Very thought provoking.
Sunday I was supposed to go trail running and then kayaking, but the weather shut both of those down. Instead I slept late and lounged around and did absolutely nothing. It was the best thing that could have happened. I think my cold finally took a turn towards going away with all that laziness.