Saturday Jeff & I rode 50 miles from South Austin to San Marcos and back with
shubbe &
sweetmonster. The 25 miles out was delightful. I needed one pit stop at mile 9 and everyone obliged. We had a tail wind and we flew! It was awesome! And then we had to turn around. 15ish mph headwinds the entire way back. We pace lined most of the way. I just put my head down and pedaled. Continuing my habit of combining everything I do with geocaching, we found one geocache not far from San Marcos, another on Old San Antonio Road near the low water crossing, and a final one at a corner gas station when we were almost done. And then I had my closest call ever with traffic on a bike. One mile away from finishing, waiting to go straight through the intersection behind a line of cars. The light turned green, the cars ahead of me went, I followed, and all of a sudden a car was coming right at me, turning left across the intersection. They waited for the last car in the line and didn't see me on Tiny following behind. Yikes!! Somehow we avoided each other and I made it to the other side but my heart was pounding!
2 weeks to Rosedale and I think we'll be ready for the 63 mile route. We also signed up for the
Austin Autism Ride a week later.
Sunday was a geocaching run with Tracy. We planned to run 5 miles, so we ran out 2.5 miles, then geocached our way back. Somehow we ended up doing some backtracking and the final total was 8 geocaches and 6.5 miles.
My geocaching total after an excellent week - 221! Weekday caching does bump up the total! I introduced
shaayla to geocaching this week and now I've got another lunchtime geocaching buddy! Yay!