Sep 04, 2011 16:55
Made a few changes lately...we moved out of our old, dank basement apartment in a rather terrible neighborhood into a pretty nice house with a roommate in a much nicer neighborhood. It's big, a real house, our housemate is a former co-worker and perfectly geeky! There's a porch and backyard and it's a super walkable neighborhood. And our street is across from one of the branch libraries! Yay.
Finished cleaning the old place and turned our keys in today, going to focus on unpacking as much as possible before Tuesday. Wednesday to next Wednesday we're going to Hawaii (!!!) for my brother's wedding. I'm flipping excited. This summer hasn't been the most pleasant. I was busy, didn't get much time to relax or enjoy the nice weather, and it pretty much rained every rare day I had off. So I plan to read on the beach the entire week and soak up some sun.
I quit my job at Apple. It was getting stressful and I was spending too much time fighting for promotions that got dangled in front of me then whipped away. I asked to have Sundays off this fall so I can have a day with Alyx and some down time. I was refused. The store leader insisted that no one in the store has a lack of availability on a weekend day. Supposedly, everyone is available both Saturdays and Sundays. Total lie. I know of five people off the top of my head who don't work either Saturdays or Sundays. So I decided to quit. Wednesday was my last day and it feels good to look forward and have time! Open weekends! What is this feeling??
Yesterday, the Hellions took a bus down to Long Island where we competed in the Empire Skate Showdown against 8 other teams. We kicked ass. I wasn't able to attend last year but we placed last among 8, earning the Bruised Apple trophy. This year we came in 3rd place! We beat Hudson Valley soundly, then barely beat Roc City. After that, it was CNY and unfortunately they had a power jam the first jam and racked up 24 points in 2 minutes. There was no coming back after that - tourney bouts are half as long at 30 minutes each - but if it weren't for a stupid mistake on our part it would've been much closer. That had us play up against the fucking Gotham Girls Wall Street Traitors team. And naturally they beat us but fuck. I played against the Gotham Girls. And I did a good job too! Ugh it was a long day, we were exhausted and played roller derby all day long but it was great. And the CNY girls are so sweet, we scrimmage them regularly and they lent us some players last weekend when Boston didn't show up for our bout (due to the hurricane). It's always more fun to play against teams you have a good relationship with. I am hoping for a practice trade with CNY some night, they play a similar style to us but definitely have a few more tricks up their sleeves - and a few more years of experience - and I'd like to learn from them.
So now it's just chilling and unpacking. Tuesday morning I start my fall internship at RPI where I will be digitizing a portion of their art and architecture collection. I'm looking forward to that. Less so to my final class - cataloging. Bleh. The professor is kind of a jerk and I dislike her greatly. But whatever, it must be done.