Since I won't allow myself the liberty to post much of substance

Nov 15, 2010 16:38

(Until after my test tomorrow. DEAR GOD, I WISH IT WERE OVER ALREADY.)

This popped up on BoingBoing, and I lol'd, so I thought I'd share.

image Click to view

Okay, standard disclaimer, alligators are not as good at hunting on land (they can run fast, though, so that's no guarantee), yada yada. That said? GO KITTY! Apparently, there are more videos of this specific cat teaching the gators on the bayou who is boss (on land), and it may even be (AN EXTREMELY ILL-ADVISED) stunt that a tour company does to entertain people. Still, that cat? FEARLESS.

This is why the only other creature to survive Alien was the damn cat. The Xenomorph was all ::HISSSSSSS DEATH HISSSSS ACID BLOOD HISSSSSS:: and Jonesy the cat was all "I will show you how to hiss, you slick-ass muthafuckah" and then suddenly the Alien was all, "Oh, there might be more people for me to eat...somewhere else."

epic win, kitties

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