Sep 19, 2008 13:26
Hey Chicago, what do you say?
The Cubs are going to win today...
Yes, the song has made it to the east coast. And I think it's a cute song! It's catchy and light. Unlike 95% of today's music. Speaking of baseball, this is the last weekend the yankees play at Yankee stadium so we've decided to go for the Saturday game since manny has been talking about it since he knew he was moving to ny. And what better time then the last weekend games to go. It should be fun!
I really like the color grey. Or is it gray? I don't understand the difference. Anyway, yes. Grey. Or gray. I don't like it in my everyday life of course bc that would be depressing. But when I go shopping, which is more often than I should, I love *everything* that's grey... or gray.
I'm still pretty bad with "budgeting". I mean I have a general idea of what I should have at the end of the month to pay for rent and utilities. But when you have access to shopping and food at all hours of the day, it's a little difficult. And I mean what about "saving" money? Seeing as how the economy is about to crash and burn... maybe having a little extra money saved up would be a good idea. And I mean, my college loans are going to be coming in soon... omg. I can't even think about how much money that's going to take away from me every month. Shoot me.
I love Ricky Gervais. Ever since about... I'd say two years ago during my beloved London time. Comedic genuis. He doesn't quite surpass Jon Stewart in my heart (who can?), but he's up there. And although his movie isn't exactly at the top of my list, I think I'm going to see it anyway... you know, to show support and all that.
My Paula comes back from DC today! But the possibity of having to work tomorrow and having completely different schedules for the weekend may mean a missed opportunity to see her! Sadness. I wish everyone would just move back to NY/Long Island.
I need to join a gym. And I think I get a 25% company discount so I really should. But it's starting to get cold out and I feel like there's no way I'm going to want to leave warmth so I can step out into the cold to go work out. And working out isn't going to take away my love for Vienna Finger cookies, Coldstone ice cream, and chocolate of all sorts.
I've been working at the Knot, inc. in New York this week and will be for the upcoming week as well. It's pretty cool to see how the magazine functions and the website as well. I'm so jealous of people who I see making page spreads and writing editorials. They have a whole wall covered in pages for the upcoming mag. If I had an ounce of creativity, that is definitely what I would want to be doing.
Also, nationalizing AIG and the collapse of Lehman is freaking terrifying. Brian Williams even said there was a potential for a banana republic. It's a genuinely scary time and I don't know how not to worry about... well, everything.
~Free your mind~