Title: Mama
Fandom: Doctor Who
Characters: Doctor, Donna
Word Count: 250
Written for:
doctor_donna's baby drabble challenge
“Oh, aren’t you beautiful!”
The Doctor whipped out his glasses to take a better look at the waist-height creature. ‘Beautiful’ wasn’t the word Donna would use to describe the puce lumpy, mucus-covered alien, but that wasn’t why she hung back.
“Doctor,” she said, “isn’t that an uzumara?”
“Umuzaru,” he corrected automatically.
“Yeah,” said Donna impatiently, “but didn’t you say to stay away from them?”
He had, in fact, gone on at length about the natives of Eheb 9 who found humans-and Time Lords-a particularly tasty treat.
“She’s just a baby,” said the Doctor, disapprovingly. “Look, her teeth haven’t even grown in.” He dangled his fingers entirely too close to the gaping maw for Donna’s comfort, pointing out the unbroken gums.
Donna wasn’t going to be deterred. “Yes, but what about mama umuzaru?”
The Doctor froze. In the absence of his cooing, they became uncomfortably aware of a frantic, far away noise that was rapidly growing louder.
Donna was never as good as the Doctor at identifying sounds, always confusing the distressed beeping of the TARDIS in need of emergency repairs for the distressed beeping of the TARDIS in need of eventual repairs no matter how often she heard either, but was willing to bet she could identify this particular noise: a mother uzumaru crashing through the trees, desperately trying to find and protect her precious baby.
They both knew what came next. Donna was never really sure who said it first, but that didn’t matter.
They did.