dance shows

Dec 18, 2009 19:14

so i know people always ask me when my next dance showes are and i'm always clueless or forget to tell certain people or whatever so i'm posting this here, if you want to go mark your calander and show up ok?

i have one on Febuary 28, 2010 at 5pm at Centre Cuturel Franco Manitoben in st. boniface.(tickets 12$) this our normal winter show there will be one in spring but i have no idea when thats going down yet.

i also have one or a couple or something sometime early july (like the 29th of june to the 6th or something like that over canada day) for the Canadian Gymneastrada that will be at the U of M investors Gym, this will be auditions for the World Gymnaestrada but your welcome to come and watch if you want, i dont know dates and times but ill post those when i get them.

so now i told you or everything i know kindof for sure so you can come if you want! just tell me so i can expect you and show up k, thnx.

aerial, momentum, dance, shows

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