Feb 02, 2005 17:48
So here I am, a Traveller once again! We're out for a few weeks now undergoing what we like to call "CSSQTs" in Navy Speak (for everyone else that acronym translates into Combat Systems Sea Qualification Trials). Thus far we've been gone for nearly a week, and it has been eventful!
We encountered the second worst seas the ship has ever seen (and the worst I've ever been in) off the coast of Oregon/Northern CA on our way south. I discovered a key fact - in 15ft. seas with heavy wind and storms, at least 50% of the crew is going to get sick. Even if you take drama/meclazine, there's a chance it won't work. I proved that myself when I awoke for watch our second day underway and found that my stomach wasn't liking the conditions (rolling and pitching = four directions of simultaneous motion that play w. your inner ear, your balance, and your sense of weight) - cue frantic trip to the women's head (bathroom) #1...
Then I proceeded to try to take my watch on the ship (note again the highest point on the ship moves the most!) - found that wasn't working, was sent back down when my superiors realized I could hardly stand much less drive the ship - barely made it - cue frantic trip to the women's head #2... So now starving and tired I ended up spending the first half of that day laying either on the floor of my stateroom or sleeping in my top bunk (when I felt like climbing up there). At dinner that night I was feeling much better but mother nature as always decided to toss some excitement in there too by throwing waves at us that with perfect timing caused the ship to undergo several violent 20 degree rolls, one after the other. This I must add was crazy but rather cool as I:
(a) watched the first roll hit and the other side of the table explode - every seat flew back including the people sitting there, plates of food and glasses and silverware flew off the table.
(b) in slow motion I watched the chaos and then realized that good old physics meant the same thing was about to happen to MY side of the table!
(c) managed to hold on to my soup bowl (though the contents flew everywhere) and to stay standing through the next series of rolls as chairs, people, and broken dinnerware slid back and forth on the floor!
Needless to say that event killed whatever appetite I had built up for dinner that night and I ended up laying down once again...
A few days later the weather in Southern California proved to be much more favorable, and we experienced our first port call in Seal Beach (right next to Long Beach CA). It was gorgeous. We onloaded some ammo (I actually have missiles now! YAY!!!!), and enjoyed a nice night out in town.
Now here we are underway once again. Thus far the weather has been beautiful. Nights on the bridge with crystal clear skies when you can see the moon, meteorites, and every star in the sky continue to be some of my favorite watches!
The next few weeks will hold more sea trials, some port calls in San Diego, and generally more excitement. I'm going to enjoy it while it lasts because I know the time will fly by!