I am all alone in the office today. One of my office-mates is on a three-week vacation (lucky!) and the other is out with the flu. It is quiet in here, blissfully quiet, but lonely.
Heroes last night was another good one.
The aftermath of Claire's autopsy was sort of anticlimactic. I would have liked to see more of the cop, apparently he was captured and is being studied? I can't believe Hiro allowed his friend to distract him. Not surprised that Nathan is a cheater (he said last episode he had a wife), he's even more of a jerk than I thought. Peter's story is finally getting interesting, what happened to him on the train? If he's right about his ability (i.e. he can only do things when he's around others that can do them) then who was with him on the train to stop time like that? We know it isn't Hiro, cause he is in Vegas... who else could it have been?